Friday, November 20, 2009

Swope's Ridge by Ace Collins

September 12, 2001. Four members of the Klasser family are found dead outside Dallas, Texas. In the wake of 9/11, the Klassers' neighbor, Omar Jones-an American citizen of Arab descent-is convicted of their murder.
A month before Jones' execution, attorney Lije Evans searches for evidence that will prove the man innocent. But Evans' quest goes deeper than solving one crime. He is determined to find the secret behind the dark history of sleepy Swope's Ridge-and how it ties into his wife's murder.

Interlocking mysteries lead Evans and his team to the battlegrounds of former Nazi Germany, the dirt roads of Kansas, and a rusty cargo ship in the Gulf of Mexico. Along the way, they discover a secret that offers the promise of great power-and the greatest temptation they've ever faced.

This is the second book in the Lige Evans Mystery series, following Farraday Road, which was Collin's first fiction book. Swope's Ridge is even better than the first book, and ties up the loose ends left in the first book.
I really enjoyed this book. It is suspense, my favorite genre', and it had an interesting plot, going back to World War II. The author threw out an interesting - and scary scenario, and tied it up all neatly at the end. I am looking forward to reading more of his novels, and hope he writes more in this series - the characters are likable and believable. Great read guaranteed.
About the author:
Ace Collins is the award-winning author of Stories Behind the Best-Loved Songs of Christmas, Turn Your Radio On, Lassie: A Dog's Life, and many other nonfiction books. He has appeared on CBS This Morning, NBC Nightly News, CNN, the Today Show, Good Morning America, and Entertainment Tonight. He lives in Texas.


Molly said... 1

Hi Mark...I haven't read my copy of this yet and your review was awesome!! Now I can't wait to read it!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
