Sunday, January 3, 2010

Wayback by Sam Batterman, and a Giveaway

A mysterious Nazi super weapon, hidden for more than 60 years, has been discovered by members of a reclusive, private think tank and perfected using modern technology. This fully realized and reliable device is so powerful, so provocative, that the basic beliefs of science, history and religion could be overturned in an instant. After a cataclysmic system failure kills an expedition attempting to return to the year 100,000 B.C., a team of skeptical scientists and adventurers is dispatched to the Antediluvian world, a world that no one anticipated full of wonder, danger and advanced civilizations that will rock the accepted theories of science and history to their core. However, the team is unaware of another plan that is unfolding; there are people who will kill to use this remarkable machine to further their own plans for our past and future.

My thoughts:
Sam Batterman, the author of Wayback, emailed me recently and asked if I would be interested in reviewing his book. I read about it - it sounded pretty good, but it is not from a big Christian publisher, so I was a bit dubious, but I went for it, and am glad I did.
This is a time travel book, but is the best one I have ever read - and I have read a few. I found it entertaining, fascinating, and even educational. A team of experts in their fields is sent back in time to just prior the Flood. Though the book is the author's idea, based on the Bible and help from Answers In Genesis, I still was intrigued by the description of how things might have been.
The author uses a fictional story to show how intelligent design and Creationism have to be right. Through discussions with the characters in the book, he presents the proof for Creationism. Some on the team are Christians who believe completely in God and Creationism, while others are not Christians and embrace the theory of evolution, until they take the trip of a lifetime.
I really, honestly enjoyed this book. It came in the mail today (Saturday), and I took it, climbed in the recliner, pulled a blanket up over me, and quickly got pulled into the story. This was one of my "one sitting reads" - when a book is so good that I read it in one sitting, except for bathroom breaks or an email check. I learned that a book doesn't have to be from a big publishing company to be quality fiction.

About the author:
Sam Batterman works for Microsoft as a software engineer and lives with his wonderful wife, Susan and their two kids, Samantha and Parker, in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Visit his website at

Wayback is available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


One person can win a copy of Wayback from the author, Sam Batterman.

To enter, comment by telling what part of history you would visit by time travel, if you could.

USA entries only.

A winner will be picked by 10 days from today, January 13.

Thanks to Sam Batterman for the review copy, and for the giveaway.


Annette W. said...

I think I'd like to be there when Jesus' ascension...and to hear him teach!...Then I'd like to see life in the US in the late 1900's.

Pam said...

I would like to visit the medievil period. Thanks for the chance to win!

mindy said...

the renaissance thanks minsthins at optonline dot net

Bani said...

I would travel to the Victorian era. Mostly because I have such an affection for the style of architecture.

Kimmy said...

I'd love to visit the Victorian era...or early 20th century New York. Or...part of my own history if it were possible. I'd love to relive some moments I could never get back.

wendy wallach said...

I would visit the time of Abraham and Sarah

madamerkf at aol dot com

Steve-n-Deb said...

World War II or Antediluvian Earth

wmmahaney said...

I would visit the time of the Oregon Trail or the Alaskan Gold Rush. I have read many books set in those eras.

Steven said...

Who wants to visit the past? I'd rather go into the future. :)

Janet said...

Well, I would say when Jesus Christ lived and died but that seems so sad. I would like to visit the times of Little House on the Prairie. I think. lol

Susan said...

I would love to visit the 5o's just to see what it was like.

Kim M. said...

Sometimes I'd like to go back and tell my own self to stop before I made stupid mistakes, but I guess that is what makes us who we are.

As far as time periods, I love American history. The colonization of America is one of my favorite things to study, however I don't think I would want to live there.

LittleEagle said...

I would travel back to the medieval ages in the european countries.

bison61 said...

I'm not so sure I'd like to visit the past but if I did it would be when the western states of the US were settled

tiramisu392 (at)

Winning Readings said...

I'd be interested in the time of the Knights Templar - I'd love to get a better look at some of the conspiracy details... :)

FlyFreeMyBooks said...

I see it has been a popular answer, but I would have to say the time of Jesus also.

Mary Lou said...

Not too sure that I would want to travel back in time...I do love history and picturing it in my mind what it would have been like to have lived say in the Victorian period. I do have a vivid imagination and love picturing how things "were" in the different times in the past. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.
Mary Lou

Unknown said...

I'd like to see the time when my great-grandparents were young.

ebeandebe at gmail dot com

Kristi said...

I'd like to go back when the settlers were just starting to head west - to be able to see the country in all it's natural beauty would be priceless.

kherbrand at comcast dot net