Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Transformation Study Bible

David C Cook blurb:

"As pastors seek to make the Word of God more understandable in an age that is unfamiliar with the Bible, and as growing disciples seek to discover the truth of Scripture in a skeptical culture, there is a great need for guidance in both the preaching and study of God’s Word. Whether you’re a pastor, a seminary student, or a truth-seeking disciple, an understanding of the Bible can be made clear to you with the help of one of the most influential, in-depth, and practical Bible scholars in modern history.

For over thirty years, millions have come to rely on the timeless wisdom of Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s “Be” Commentary series. Dr. Wiersbe’s commentary and insights on Scripture have helped readers understand and apply God’s Word with the goal of life transformation. According to Dr. Wiersbe, “It isn’t enough for us simply to read assigned portions of the Bible each day, as helpful as that is. A truly transforming experience involves meditating on what we read (Ps. 1:2), studying it carefully in the light of other verses, and then obeying what God tells us to do (Josh. 1:8).” Now available for the first time, The Transformation Study Bible offers the full text of the highly readable New Living Translation with accompanying notes and commentary from the 50 books in Dr. Wiersbe’s “Be” series.

“The Transformation Study Bible will better enable readers to appreciate, appropriate, and apply the Word of God, which will result in ‘purity, joy, right values, hope, comfort, freedom, new life, peace, guidance, wisdom, integrity, encouragement, and effective prayer,’” states Wiersbe. In other words, if you want to be a new person, knowing and obeying the will of God and becoming more like Jesus Christ, there is perhaps no finer tool to encourage that process than The Transformation Study Bible.

One of the most anticipated and comprehensive study Bibles of the year, The Transformation Study Bible has been a lifetime in the making by a man who is widely known as a prolific and trusted writer and theologian. The former pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, an internationally known Bible teacher, and someone who has given his life to a deep examination of the Word of God, Dr. Wiersbe lends his vast experience and scholarly insight to the most beloved and revered book of all time. This effort is to encourage believers of all levels to know and love the Bible and to experience the same transformation that has radically changed his life. The result is a Bible that is clear, understandable, and applicable to the lives of its readers. "

Dr. Wiersbe writes, “The remedy for discouragement is the Word of God. When you feed your heart and mind with its truth, you regain your perspective and find renewed strength.” By providing a new set of tools for Bible students of all levels, David C Cook and Warren Wiersbe have partnered to provide an essential tool to help bring the “perspective” and “renewed strength” that comes from a life transforming study of God’s Word. This fantastic and long awaited resource will bring more clarity than ever before to the study of God’s Word."

My review:

I liked the looks of this Bible, and they had a limited amount available to review, so I jumped on it. I have been reading it daily for my daily devotions, and really like it.

The Bible version is the New Living Translation, one of my favorites. I have a few study Bibles, and like them, but I really am impressed with this one. As I have read the Scripture, I have read the accompanying notes at the bottom, and like what I read. They are in simple "layman's" language, and I have been getting a lot of out the notes. One such note had this quote: to lose hope is to surrender the future to the enemy, and that only destroys the meaning of the present. And there are many more.

Warren Wiersbe is the general editor.

The Bible has these features:

Book out lines: prepares you for reading Scripture by outlining key themes and verses

Book overviews: Provides controversial and practical overviews for each book of the Bible

Catalyst notes: motivates you to experience real-life transformation by highlighting key character issues in Scripture

Be transformed: helps you learn how each book of the Bible will impact your life with these core application notes

Cross references: connects you to related verses throughout the books of the Bible

Charts and maps: enables you to quickly locate verses when studying by topic

Study notes: Clarifies key Bible passages by explaining what they mean and how they apply to your life.

This really is a good study Bible, and I highly recommend it. I honestly feel the study notes are a cut above the average study Bible out there. Available now.


Janet said...

Thanks for sharing. I am featuring the Holy Bible: Mosaic NLT on my blog. (GAhome2mom) I will be giving one away on 11/24 thanks to Tyndale. Please come read about it. Thanks.