Friday, December 2, 2011

Top books reviewed in 2011

I read and reviewed a lot of books in 2011. Not sure of the exact amount, but here are the ones that make my "top 15" list for this year, in no particular order. (I tried for top 10, but couldn't narrow it down to 10)

1) Digitalis by Ronie Kendig

2) Wolfsbane by Ronie Kendig. Yeah, she made the list twice, but she is an excellent author, and I reviewed two of her books this year, and both were top-notch)

3) Darkness Follows by Mike Dellosso .Mike has become one of my favorite authors. He doesn't have a lot of books out yet, but all of them are awesome. And he is a great Christian and very nice guy.

4) Passion to Action by Jay & Beth Loecken. Non-fiction doesn't excite me as much as fiction, especially suspense, but this was an excellent book. Impressive family.

5) Lion of Babylon by Davis Bunn. This has to be his best ever, and one that will be hard to follow.

6) The Guardian by Robbie Cheuvront and Erik Reed. New authors, and a really different idea to write about, but it was an awesome read.

7) Zombie Church by Tyler Edwards. Another non-fiction title, but the book really impressed and convicted me.

8) The Queen by Steven James. This series just keeps getting better, and his writing is top-notch. I just wish I didn't have to wait a year in between each book!

9) Targets Down by Bob Hamer. This former FBI agent writes a great suspense novel, and knowing he knows what he is talking about adds a lot to the story.

10) The Kiloton Threat by William Boykin and Tom Morrisey. The awesome sequel to an awesome book. Highly recommended for guys to read.

11) The Chair by Jim Rubart. I really enjoy this guy's writing style. This was a really different idea to write about, but it was an awesome read.

12) A Killer Among Us by Lynette Easom. This author writes some great suspense, and is one of my favorite authors.

13) False Pretenses by Kathy Herman. I love Kathy's writing style, and she is another author who gets better and better with each book and series she writes. A definite favorite author.

14) Rooms by Jim Rubart. I reviewed three of his books this year, and all three are tremendous reads, so he makes the list three times. This is his first and best, though all three are great reads.
15) Book of Days by Jim Rubart. Another awesome book by Jim.

I read a lot of great books and there are a lot that belong on my top list, but these 15 were my favorites - not to say they are better than the others - it comes down to taste also, but it is MY top list, and these are the ones I picked :-)