Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Secrets of Emberwild by Stephenia H. McGee

Book description:

 A gifted trainer in a time women are not allowed to race, Nora Fenton prefers horses to men. They're easier to handle, they're more reliable, and they never tell her what to do. After her father's passing, Nora is determined to save her struggling horse farm, starting with entering her prize colt into the harness races at the 1905 Mississippi and West Alabama Fair. If she wins, she may have a chance at independence. But when a stranger arrives and starts asking disconcerting questions, she suspects he may have other motives than unseating her in the training job that is rightfully hers.

Silas Cavallero will do whatever it takes to solve the mystery of his father's death--even if it means training an unwieldy colt for Nora, who wants nothing more than to see him gone. But when mysterious accidents threaten their safety and circumstances shrouded in secrets begin unlocking clues to his past, Silas will have to decide if the truth is worth the risk of ruining everything for the feisty woman he's come to admire.

My review:

  This is the first book that I have reviewed by this author, though I have read a few of her other books since requesting this one for review. I have enjoyed each one, including this. I actually thought this book was a contemporary novel until I started reading it, but would have requested it anyway.

  I would not identify as a lover of horses, but like them well enough. The author wrote a great historical romance with some suspense built in all around horses and made it an interesting and exciting read. 

  There were characters to both like and dislike in the book, and fortunately the two main characters fell into the likeable camp. Silas was on a quest to solve the death of his father from 15 years before, something he felt was connected to Emberwild. Nora was a woman determined not to be bound to what was viewed as proper behavior for a young woman of her age. And there were forces set on stopping both of them from succeeding. 

 I enjoyed the book a lot. The slow moving romance between the drifter/hired hand and the lady of the "manor" was interesting enough, but there was also horse training, an overbearing uncle,  bad guys, mysterious accidents, and the 15 year old murder or mysterious death of Silas' father to solve.

 There were a few surprises along the way, but I had my suspicions about a couple of characters that were correct, and about something else I won't say as to avoid spoilers. The book wasn't what I would call predictable, but I am always happy when I can guess correctly on at least a couple of things.....and I did.

 I will say that Silas became the hero of the story that was evident from page one, and Nora got what she wanted in the end after all, no matter how unlikely it looked for a while.

 This is the author's first book from a major publisher, and she has delivered them a great novel full of romance, suspense, drama......and of course: horses. 

I was provided a copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions in this review are my own.

About the author:

Stephenia H. McGee is the award-winning author of many stories of faith, hope, and healing set in the Deep South, including The Secrets of Emberwild. When she's not reading or sipping sweet tea on the front porch, she's a writer, dreamer, husband spoiler, and busy mom of two rambunctious boys. Learn more at

   Secrets of Emberwild will be available October 4 from Revell Publishing, part of the Baker Publishing Group.

  Thanks to Revell for the review copy.

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