Thursday, September 29, 2022

Escape From Amsterdam, Heroines of WW II #7 by Lauralee Bliss

Book description: 

 A University Student Smuggles Children Out of Amsterdam

Full of intrigue, adventure, and romance, this series celebrates the unsung heroes—the heroines of WWII.

Helen Smit believed she was called by God to become a teacher. Little does she know that her care for kids will take a drastic turn for survival when the Germans occupy Amsterdam and Jewish children and parents begin to be deported. Now all she can think of is helping all the kids escape before it’s too late.

Erik Misman’s newfound love for Helen is tested when he joins a plot to help move Jewish children to a safe place in the countryside. If danger can foster a closer bond with Helen a/nd save the lives of the little ones, he will do it all. But a German patrol that stumbles upon the farm where they are hiding with three children and a soldier who takes an unexpected interest in Helen, could well destroy their plans for safety and love.

My review: 
   This book is set during the German occupation of the Netherlands during World War II. It is the first book I have read by this author, and she did a great job of holding my attention.

  The book was entertaining, engaging, and also sobering. Helen and Erik were likable characters, and though they were fictional, their actions and things that happened in the book are things that actually happened and that people did. Fiction is such a great medium for stories like this. There are those who claim the Holocaust never happened, but this book did such a great job of reminding the reader of the harsh reality that it did indeed exist, and though much evil was done, there were real life heroes like the fictional ones in this book that risked everything to save lives of the Jewish people.

  There is a lot of suspenseful moments in the book. One hopes and believes that everything is going to work out, but the author wove the story in such a way that it still had me on the edge of my seat hoping for the best.

  Romance does play a part in the book, but it is not the main focus of the book, and is done well. 

  Though this book is a reminder of some very dark days in our world's history, and of such evil that rules for too long, it was a great read and also a great reminder of the good people at that time who persevered in spite of the forces against them

I was provided a copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions in this review are my own.

About the author:

Lauralee Bliss is a published author of over thirty Christian romance novels and novellas in both historical and contemporary with nearly 600,000 sold. In 2018 she received a 25-book published award from ACFW. Her recent releases are Escape from Amsterdam and two books in the Angel Series - Christmas Angels of Virginia and Angel in the Crossroad.

Lauralee enjoys writing books reminiscent of a roller coaster ride for the reader. Her desire is for readers to come away with an entertaining story and a lesson that ministers to the heart. Her new imprint HeartSoul Press exemplifies this.

Lauralee is also an avid hiker, hiking the entire Appalachian Trail twice from Georgia to Maine and from Maine to Georgia, one of only 24 women to accomplish this feat. She has also completed other trails totaling over 10,000 miles including the Florida Trail of which her Florida Trail adventure "Gators, Guts and Glory" is part of the Hiking Adventure Series along with Mountains, Madness and Miracles - 4000 Miles Along the Appalachian Trail.

Check out her website:

Escape From Amsterdam is available from Barbour Publishing.
Thanks to Barbour for the review copy.

Check out the other books in the Heroines of WW II Series:

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