Monday, September 23, 2024

Guest blog post by author June Foster

 Thanks to author June Foster for doing a guest blog post telling a little about the book she and her daughter Kelly just wrote, The Other Side of the Fairy House. 

The Other Side of the Fairy House by June Foster and Kelly Cordova.

Thanks for asking me to guest blog today, Mark. You are a great friend and certainly a wise connoisseur of fiction. 😊�I wrote this book with my daughter Kelly Cordova who lives in Texas. Amazingly, we conferred everyday while writing the book. Sometimes twenty or more times. One day, Google restricted my emails to her because they said something on the order that I’d reached my limits. Kelly and I work so well together which is a great blessing. She likes my ideas, and I love hers. Last April Kelly got on a plane to visit me. Then we drove to the location where our book was set to do research. Gatlinburg, Tennessee in the middle of the Smoky Mountains National Park. 

I can’t describe the fun and excitement of that trip, but I’ll try. Discovering the Fairy House. Exploring Gatlinburg, Tennessee in order to dive into writing our book The Other Side of the Fairy House proved more exciting than I’d have imagined. My daughter Kelly flew to Alabama from Texas, and then we traveled by car northeast almost 300 miles to our destination. Amid the charm and beauty of the Smoky National Park, we explored the area where our story was set. We had five whole days to locate and snap photos of the fairy house. Discovering the location wasn’t as easy as we’d hoped. Each time we asked a local about where the place was, we’d get different answers. One lady said she never went there, and tourists were discouraged from trying to locate it. Another said she’d hiked to the fairy house which still stood on the old Voorheis property. But her trek took several miles on a forest trail. The day we decided to explore the area, we donned hiking boots and set out. Kelly had watched a couple of videos on the location which helped immensely. Instead of miles of walking, we found a place where we could access the area after a short walk. The first time we saw the fairy house which is actually a springhouse we caught our breath. But best of all, we imagined our characters in that very spot and the mystical events which would happen. You can discover what the characters saw the day they made the same trip to the fairy house.

Available on Amazon.




June Foster said...

I enjoyed sharing our new book with you on your blog. I hope readers will download the kindle or order the paper copy and see for themselves what happens at the fairy house. The Lord bless you and your family.