Saturday, July 5, 2008

Thoughts of the Unemployed, and Funny Things Kids Say

Sure has been a happening week here with Paul and Pam and the boys here all week. Thursday, we left the 2 older boys with my other sister while we went to Canton, OH to shop at a used clothing store my family loves. It was closed - for good, and without warning - guess the employees didn't know til they showed up for work - so we went to a different one. I got 4 shirts. :-) We then hit Belden Village Mall so my mom and Pam could take advantage of a great sale at Christopher and Banks - what is it with that store and women?!

Coming back, we picked up the boys, and also the nieces, as they were spending the night. We all went to the pizza buffet for supper - that poor waitress!

Friday, Mom, Dad, Paul, Pam, and I bravely set out for the Rogers flea market with 6 kids. Man, was it busy and chaotic - always bad on a holiday. I only bought some sponges to wash dishes with. Joey said the funniest thing while there. He is almost 7, and is best buds with his cousin Katie, who is 8. They were walking hand-in-hand, and he goes "Katie, you know I love you more than anything!" :-) Guess the rest of us know where we come in.

Vicki came down for supper (she and Steve both worked so they could have today off). We cooked out and ate til we couldn't eat anymore. We headed for Columbiana (10 miles away) for fireworks, and managed to meet up with my other brother-in-law, Steve, there. We got awesome seats - well, we actually took our seats :-) - but set up in a good place. The fireworks were terrific, and the grand finale was maybe the best I ever saw. Nathan didn't like them at all, so Paul had to cover his ears and hold him. Benjy also wasn't too crazy about them and told his mom "we shouldn't be here". :-)

Today has been a take-it-easy day, other than a trip into Salem. I stopped to visit the part of my life that is in storage - actually to make sure it is dry with all this rain. Don't think there is anything to worry about - the road up in is so steep, all rain has to come down it.

I have only applied one place so far, but plan to do more next week - figured I may as well enjoy having Pam and her gang here for the week, but to be honest, I am pretty depressed. I wonder if it is possible to find a job that I will like, and pay well enough, the Sunday work issue worries me, and I wonder if I can make it by myself. I will need to find a very reasonable place to live.

Paul and Pam have learned to play Rook, and have taken to it very well. We tried to teach Vicki, and either she really wasn't getting it, or wasn't interested enough. Kristin would worry if she played with them - they bid it up pretty high, and will jump from 80 to 120. :-) Playing with 3 isn't as fun as 4 or 5, but it is still fun.

Well, as I have been reading late, I may take a nap before supper, if I can with 2 little boys playing computer games close-by. Til next time!

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