Monday, June 30, 2008

The Zoo

Today was the big trip to the zoo. Mom, Dad, and I set out close to 9, and caught up to Vicki and Steve close to I76, and ended up following them the rest of the way. Paul and Pam beat us by about 25 minutes or so.

It was a great day to go. It sprinkled on us a bit, so we went into the monkey building for the worst of it, the rest of the day was sunny and cool. The kids had a blast, even Nathan, the youngest. He was especially intrigued by the fish in the Aquarium. We got lots of good pictures, some close up of the animals, and some were hard to get close ups of. The elephants above were an easy close-up.

I got more up close and personal with a snake than I would have preferred. While the kids were riding some rides, Vicki talked me into going around to where a guy and girl were talking about animals they had. The girl had a Geicho gecko - well, it was a gecko :-) and she held it in her hand and told us all about it. Then the guy opened a cooler and took out a rather long king snake and let it curl all around his arm as he talked about it - I hate snakes by the way. Some people had questions, and unfortunately the kid behind me did, and he walked back and stood beside me - with the snake - to hear her better. I just stared straight ahead and tried not to think about it. Two of my nieces petted the crazy thing. (shudder!) Vicki said they weren't really her daughters. :-)

We all went across the swinging bridge, even my mom, to my surprise. We posed for a group photo and roped a kind passer by into taking a couple pictures. Turned out pretty good.

We went home a different way - we went my way - Mapquest, but had to pay tolls, so we came home a different way, and it took forever, and traffic was terrible in Pittsburgh. My way, we avoided the traffic. :-)

Later, we all, minus Vicki and her gang. went to Walgreens to get some pictures taken off, as they have had a 10-cent per picture deal going on that ends today, Unfortunately, we got behind a lady who was doing about 380 pictures, and it took forever. After we were done, we went to McDonalds and Dad treated everyone. The adults got ice cream, the boys got chicken nuggets.

I may be teaching Paul and Pam to play Rook this evening. Never played with 3, but it should be fun. :-)

Well, til next time!

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