Monday, July 22, 2024

New and notable author: Madison Love

I don't remember how I ran across this author, but it was very recently. The first book I read by her was back in April of this year. I am guessing she came up under a search of Christian suspense books on Amazon.

She has two series out so far: The Just4You Matchmaker Series and The Shining Knight Protector Series. The first series has 3 books - plus a prequel -  and the second series has 5 books out, with at least one more on the way.

I read the second series first, at least the books that were out. Two more came out since I started reading the series. It is really good. The books are romantic suspense, with the same team of agents being in all of the books. There is a lot of camaraderie and banter between the characters, and I found all of them to be very enjoyable reads.

Now if you take my advice and read these books, here is something you should know:
Read at least the prequel to the matchmaker series and also the first book, Matchmaking the Undercover Agent. And she is giving away the e-book of Matching the Protector for signing up for her newsletter.

Here is why: the prequel is about Ben. The first book in the matchmaker series is about Ethan Knight. Ethan is a a secret agent undercover as a rock star. He and Ben are best friends, and launch The Shining Knight Protector Series after Matchmaking the Undercover Agent. I didn't realize that and read the matchmaker series after I read the Shining Knight Series. 

I do like the suspense series best, but the matchmaker series is also very good. The author is an excellent writer, and is not shy about having Christian content in her books. 

I just read Daring, the 5th book, two days ago, and it was awesome. I so did not see who was the guilty parties in the book.

Madison is an author I definitely recommend, and I am already looking forward to the 6th book in the Shining Knights Protectors Series. Fearless is coming out September 6, 2024. 

About the author:
Madison Love
is an Amazon Best-selling, clean, and Christian romance writer who loves to intertwine humor and suspense while adding a dash of sweetness. She has spent most of her life traveling abroad, discovering new places, and meeting wonderful people. It took her twenty years in the military before she settled in a rural town outside of Buffalo, New York, where she now lives on a forty-acre farm with her husband, son, and two dogs. Having been afforded the time and opportunity to bring her ideas and stories to life, she seeks to give her readers the ‘happy ever after’ they seek, but with a hint of intrigue.

Check out her website:

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