Saturday, January 13, 2024

Book spotlight: The Discovery by Dan Walsh


 Dan Walsh has been one of my favorite authors ever since I read the first book I reviewed of his - and I think the first book he had published - The Unfinished Gift, a Christmas novel.

  Dan wrote for Revell Publishing, part of Baker Publishing Group, before striking out on his own. I think I reviewed every book he wrote when with that publisher. Most of the books he has written independently are suspense, which is my favorite genre', but I think I like his books of this type the best. 

 And after all the books he has written, this one is still a favorite. Maybe my top favorite. (My review from April 2012 is here.)

 The plot: It is first written in first person, which I have never been a fan of, but it really works for this novel.

  The main character is a young wanna-be author, the grandson of a popular and best selling author. When the book starts, Michael's grandfather has recently died, leaving Michael with the manuscript for the last book he wrote. He leaves it up to Michael to publish it or not.

 The book is mostly what Michael is reading, but goes back to him occasionally. The publisher made it easy to tell when it is Michael and when it is what he is reading. The latter has a line around the whole page.

 It is hard to rave about the book without giving away spoilers...especially THE spoiler. The reason the book is titled what it is.

  Just take my word for it that it is an amazing read. I have read the "discovery" part and what follows countless times over the years. The author just posted a link to the audiobook, and I got the book out yet again, and read those parts again. And as always, my eyes watered. It is very emotional.

 The book has been given a different cover (below), but I like the original the best.

And here is the original blurb about the book:

An Engrossing Story of Family Secrets and a Love for the Ages

When aspiring writer Michael Warner inherits his grandfather's venerable Charleston estate, he settles in to write his first novel. But within the confines of the stately home, he discovers an unpublished manuscript that his grandfather, a literary giant whose novels sold in the millions, had kept hidden from everyone--but which he clearly intended Michael to find. As he delves deep into the exciting tale about spies and sabotage, Michael discovers something that has the power to change not only his future but his past as well.

Laced with suspense and intrigue, The Discovery is a richly woven novel that explores the incredible sacrifices that must be made to forge the love of a lifetime. Author Dan Walsh delivers yet another unique and heartfelt story that will stick with you long after you've turned the last page.

A personal amusing note: My youngest sister used to shy away from suspense (she reads them now), and when I loaned her this book some years back, she asked "There aren't any dead bodies washing up on the shore are there?" (slight spoiler): Me, "uh, yeah...but not murdered ones." 😎

About the author:

Dan Walsh is the bestselling author of 28 novels (all available on Amazon), including The Unfinished Gift, Rescuing Finley, When Night Comes, and The Reunion (soon to be a feature film). Over 1.4 million copies of Dan's books are in print or downloaded. They've received over 53,000 Amazon Reviews (4.7 Star Avg). He's won both the Carol and Selah Awards multiple times, 4 of his novels have been finalists for RT Reviews Inspirational Novel of the Year.

Reviewers often remark about Dan's rich, character-driven storylines and page-turning suspense (even with his more inspirational books). He's been writing full-time since 2010. He and his wife Cindi have been married 47ears, have 2 grown children and 5 grandchildren. They live in the Daytona Beach area, where Dan grew up. You can follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, read his blog, or preview all his books by visiting his website, easy to find on Google.

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