Sunday, November 5, 2023

New and notable author: C.C. Warrens

 I haven't done a new and notable author feature for a while, so it is past time. This new to me author is one I just started reading in the last few months. And she is definitely notable. 

C.C. Warrens is an author who surprised me, to be honest. I had the first book in her Holly Series, Criss Cross,  sitting on my Kindle for at least a year (free) before I read it. It is a first person POV book, and I have never been drawn to those. But I read it, loved it, and immediately started on the second.

C.C. Warrens is actually a pseudonym. Her husband's name is Warren, and the C.C. is the initials of her first name and their last name. I figured that one out on my own. 😎

Holly is a scared of her own shadow person, on the run from a couple of bad guys. What she went through from her foster brother was horrendous, and has her scared to let any male close to her. Detective Marx comes into her life, and becomes one exception to that.

The author wrote three "Holly" novels with Holly as the first person POV, then she wrote a couple of books that has Detective Marx as the main character, third person POV, and a Christmas novel. Those come between the third and fourth Holly novels. 

Book #5 just recently came out, and man was it good.

These novels are Christian, but are pretty intense. And amusing. The author came up with some great characters, but especially Holly. Though she is afraid of everything, she is stubborn. If she is with the detective in a sketchy part of town, and he tells her to stay in the car......there is no way she is staying in the car. 😀

Warrens is an amazing author, and she and her husband both interact in a Facebook group she has for her books. 

I cannot recommend her books enough. They are really good.

Warrens does have one other series she is working on, with one book out so far in that series: The Firefly Diaries, #1 in The Cherry Creek Mysteries. I have not read it yet. 

If you enjoy Christian suspense with awesome characters  that will keep you on the edge of your seat, check out her books. You will not be disappointed.

Right now, on November 5, 2003, you can get the ebook version of Cross Cross, the first Holly novels if you sign up for her newsletter. Click here: Free book.

About the author

Jesus and laughter have brought C.C. Warrens through some very difficult times in life, and she weaves both into every story she writes, creating a world of breath-stealing intensity, laugh-out-loud humor, and a sparkle of hope. Writing has been a slowly blossoming dream inside her for most of her life until one day it spilled out onto the pages that would become her first published book.

If she’s not writing, she’s attempting to bake something—however catastrophic that might be—or she’s enjoying the beauty of the outdoors with her husband. One of the many things she’s learned since she started this journey is that the best way to write a book is to go on a long stroll with her husband. That is when the characters—from their backgrounds to the moments that make them laugh or bubble over with anger—come to life.

**Disclaimer from the author**

If you're looking for a cozy mystery or romantic comedy with an ending wrapped up in a nice little bow, well . . . these books aren't for you. My books are intended to reflect the real world—a world that is messy, terrifying, wonderful, and sprinkled with humor. My hope is that these books will touch someone who has been through something traumatic and remind them that even in our darkest moments, God is with us.

Check out her website:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this read. I love C. C Warrens. I’ve read all of her books and am excited to read her newest children’s books!
