Sunday, July 9, 2023

Deadly Sanctuary, Mountain Protectors #3 by Mindy Steele


Book description:

Years ago, journalist- Emery Bishop survived the unthinkable. Now the single mother is heading home to her grandparent’s bed and breakfast in Kentucky to seek sanctuary. With a dark past looming all around her, Hickory Cove is the one place Emery has always felt safe. Only this time, Emery finds herself the center of attention she doesn’t know how to protect herself from.

Corbin Peachy is the local game warden. Protecting nature is his calling and leaves a man little time for romance. But he is instantly drawn to the guarded journalist. Corbin’s protective nature wants to help her, but can his patience tear down the walls Emery has built all around her or will a string of recent murders send her running again.

Emery has to decide if she is willing to trust the local game warden with more than just her heart.

My review:
   This is still a fairly new author to me, and I have been enjoying this series. This one, the third book, may be the best one yet. In my not so humble opinion.

  I loved the setting for this book: The bed and breakfast, the mountain, woods, water...a good author can paint a picture in the reader's mind so they can easily visualize such things. And this author did a great job doing so.

 The characters: The hero and heroine of the story, Emery and Corbin, were great, strong, and likable characters. Then there is Cooper - or Coop. I feel kids add a lot to a story, and he certainly did. I have to admit Corbin was the most interesting character. The fact he grew up Amish, and left the Amish to do what he felt called to do made him all the more interesting.

Secondary characters are important to a story, and this book had some great ones. Emery's grandparents definitely added a lot to the story, especially Arizona. Emily and Gabe, friends of Emery were also important to the story, and Gabe and Corbin together were amusing as Gabe played protector and tried to stop Corbin's interest.

And of course the suspense. There was a lot in the book. Sure, I had an idea of where the book was going to go, and what was most likely going to happen......but it was still an exciting ride to get to that point.

 This was truly an enjoyable read that I didn't want to put down, so I did pretty much read it in one sitting. I am looking forward to more Christian suspense from this author, and hoping she writes more of it.

There is one thing I would change about the book, and this is just me personally. I will be very vague so to avoid spoilers: I loved the relationship between Cooper and Corbin, and wish that something would have been made of that at the very end of the book.....but I still loved the book. :)

Though these books are a series, they seem to me stand alone titles.

I was provided a copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions in this review are my own.

About the author:

Raised in Kentucky timber country, Steele writes Amish Romance peppered in humor - and now suspense -  using her rural surroundings as her muse. She is a best selling author and the winner of the 2022 FHLCW Reader's Choice award for sweet romance. Steele creates realistic characters for her readers and believes in engaging all the senses to make you laugh, cry, hold your breath, and root for the happy ever after ending. Readers can find themselves, somewhere within her pages. 

Find out more about her at   

Deadly Sanctuary will be released on July 25.

Check out the rest of the series:

                                         Book #1 Bones On the Mountain

    Book #2 Breaking McKinley's Curse

And if you enjoy Amish books, check out those she has written, such as The Miller's Creek Series

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