Saturday, June 17, 2023

Notable author: June Foster


Next up on my new and/or notable authors: June Foster. 

I first ran across her three years ago. She was discussing her newest book at the time, Ryan's Father. I commented saying it sounded good, and that I struggled with the same issue her fictional character struggled with. She asked me if I would consider reviewing it, and I happily agreed to do so, and I have gone on to review several of her books. She even in a temporary, moment of insanity added me as friend on Facebook and Instagram. I enjoy keeping up with her and her travels on Facebook. She is a very nice and personable lady. (I have never gotten out of the stage that I think its cool to interact with authors, especially when they send me a friend request.)

Foster started out writing regular romance, then started writing Christian romantic suspense in the last few years. I don't know that her suspense novels have officially been labeled cozy mysteries, but I would say they fall into that category. Her characters are often flawed, and have issues they are struggling to deal with.

The first book she had published was Give Us This Day in 2012, which has been re-published under the title Flawless. 

I asked June what book is her favorite that she has written. She replied that Ryan's Father is her favorite, and For All Eternity is a close second.

Her most notable works, in my opinion, are her Cranberry Cove books. The series is suspense and the books are centered in a fictional town called Cranberry Cove and a fictional Inn that the author did base on an actual real Inn (If I remember correctly) There are a total of 5 books out in the series, including a Christmas novel One of the books is only in e-book form now, and is part of the  Smalltown Danger Collection, a collection of 10 novels by 10 different authors.

There is an old saying you cannot judge a book by its cover, but in this case you can. I love the covers of these books, and think they are very attractive and eye catching. And they are very enjoyable reads. I did review the four that are in paperback.

#1 The Inn At Cranberry Cove

#2 Love Found in Cranberry Cove

#3 Christmas At Cranberry Cove

$4 A Home In Cranberry Cove

#5 Danger In Cranberry Cove (part of the ebook collection Smalltown Danger)

Also of note: Dreams Deferred, a fictional novel based on the true story of June's great grandparents. He was a priest who fell in love and left the priesthood to marry. 

Her Almond Tree series is also a great series to read. The second book, Echoes From the Past, a young pastor discovers he has a 6 year old daughter he didn't know existed, and worries about the fallout when he tells his congregation.

Foster has over 40 published books, including a few devotionals. She writes and travels with her husband in an RV.

About the author:

An award-winning author, June Foster is also a retired teacher with a BA in Education from New Mexico State University and an MA in Counseling from The University of Central Texas. She is the mother of two and grandmother of ten. June began writing Christian romance in 2010. She penned her first novel on her Toshiba laptop as she and her husband traveled the US in their RV. Her adventures provided a rich source of information for her novels. June enjoys writing stories about characters who overcome the circumstances in their lives by the power of God and His Word. June uses her training in counseling and her Christian beliefs in creating characters who find the path to live godly lives.

Find out more about June and her books at

1 comment:

  1. Mark, thank you for featuring me on Thoughts of a Sojourner. You are so kind, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate you. I received so much encouragement when you reviewed Ryan's Father. I'm afraid the subject matter has frightened some readers away, but I'm compelled to write what the Lord places on my heart. One reviewer on Barnes and Nobles said the book had given him hope for his life.
    I'm so glad you accepted my friend requests on FB and Instagram because your posts bring a smile to my lips and many times I laugh out loud. I love your humor.
    The Lord's blessings upon you.
