Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Notable author: Christy Barritt


  I didn't really intend to do this as a weekly feature, but I am off today and just read the newest book by one of my favorite authors, Christy Barritt. She is not a new author to me, but definitely notable.

  I only recently really got into her books last February when I started reading her Lantern Beach Series. There are now 10 different series she has written that are in the "Lantern Beach Universe. (Link to the universe here.)

 I have never seen an author who writes books as fast as she does. The first Lantern Beach book came out in January of 2018. There are now 44 books in that "universe", and she has written several other books since then.

 I love all of her books I have read, but the series that impressed me the most was the Fog Lake Suspense Series. I read all 7 books on Kindle Unlimited last February. They were so good, I bought all 7 in paperback in June and read them all again.

 To give an idea of how fast this author writes: She just finished The Vanishing Ranch Series. Book #1 Forgotten Secrets, came out June 6, 2023. Book #10, Desperate Measures, came out February 23, 2023.

 And she had other books come out during that time that were not in that series.

 Her newest book, Fractured Lies, came out March 30. It is the first book in another Lantern Beach Series: Lantern Beach Exposure.

 For the most part, these are not short books. Fractured Lies comes in at 434 pages. She has definitely become an author whose books go in my Amazon cart the moment the paperback becomes available. 

And I read the books as soon as they show up.

In my opinion, Christy Barritt is one of the best Christian suspense authors out there, and her books are taking up a lot of space on my bookshelves with as many as she has out. She has several books set in the Outer Banks, which is my favorite vacation spot. In fact, her Lantern Beach books are set in the Outer Banks, though Lantern Beach is a fictional town. 

 Here is an extensive list of all of her books, as of last month. And no, I do not have all of them :)

About the author:
USA Today has called Christy Barritt’s books “scary, funny, passionate, and quirky.”

Christy, a USA Today bestselling author, writes both mystery and romantic suspense novels that are clean with underlying messages of faith. Her books have won the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Suspense and Mystery, have been twice nominated for the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award, and have finaled for both a Carol Award and Foreword Magazine’s Book of the Year.

She’s married to her prince charming, a man who thinks she’s hilarious–but only when she’s not trying to be. Christy’s a self-proclaimed klutz, an avid music lover who’s known for spontaneously bursting into song, and a road trip aficionado.

Christy currently splits her time between the Virginia suburbs and Hatteras Island, North Carolina. She has more than a hundred books published with over three million copies sold. Two book series are currently in development for film.

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