Saturday, April 22, 2023

New and Notable Author: Pepper Basham

 Pepper Basham was a new author to me until last year. I kept seeing people raving about and recommending her books in a Christian fiction group I am in, especially her book The Mistletoe Countess. Back in July, I had the opportunity to review one of her books, so I went for it.

I realized a couple of chapters into The Heart of the Mountains that it was a sequel. I set it aside and ordered Laurel's dream, the first book. It is set in 1918 in the Appalachians. Way up in the Appalachians where superstitions , prejudice, and rivalry abound. I enjoyed both books, and was amused and fascinated by what life was like in that area and time period. The author lives in the Appalachians, and sets a lot of her books there.

I waited until closer to Christmas to read The Mistletoe Countess. I am not sure it was intended to be a series...but maybe it was....but it is #1 in The Freddy and Grace Mystery Series. It is set in the year 1913. And man...what an amazing and entertaining read. Grace's sister was to marry Lord Frederick Percy at Christmas, but events transpired that led to Grace being his Christmas bride instead. Lord Frederick (Freddy) is a serious, austere kind of individual. Grace is not. She is flighty, funny, apt to jump in without thinking, and very apt to get into scrapes....much to her husband's dismay and frustration. That book was followed by The Cairo Curse in February of this year, and that was a book that was as good, if not better than the first. There is a third book due out in December, The Juliet Code.

Basham writes both historical and contemporary, and does both exceedingly well. My favorite contemporary novel of hers is When You Look At Me, the second in the Pleasant Gap Series. (There are only two books, is that technically a series?) Not only was it a great read, but I really liked one of the main characters, Henry, the male protagonist. I didn't get the book to review, but I did leave a short review on Goodreads. And it made my day when the author commented on my review:

My review:

"This is the 4th book I have read by this author, and by far the best. It is unusual for an author to write a male character like Henry: shy, quiet, unsure of himself...especially around women, not comfortable around many people, etc....yet he turned out to be an awesome character and just the right guy for Julia.

I am a guy, but an emotional I found my eyes watering a lot through this book as Julia's pain from what happened came through, and how Henry helped her heal. This was an emotional read, but man was it a great read."

Why haven't I read this author's books before last week??

Her comment: 

MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for your perspective here! It means a LOT!

Confession: I still find it very cool when an author comments on one of my reviews, or interacts with me in some way. (There are a few that I emailed who have never replied). And by the way, I read that book before I read The Mistletoe Countess and The Cairo Curse, so they may have taken the place of it being the best one of hers I had read. Another confession: I read her Pleasant Gap 2 book series and 3 book Mitchell's Crossroads on Kindle Unlimited, then bought all 5 books in paperback. :)

Pepper is an author described as "a best-selling author who writes romance peppered with grace and humor", and that does describe her books. I love her writing style, her characters, and the humor she sprinkles throughout her books. I really can't say enough good about her books. She is an author I am glad I discovered, and wish I had discovered sooner.

Her newest book is Authentically Izzy, a book I have not read yet. From what I understand of it, is letters between the a woman and her cousin. The idea doesn't appeal to me, but I have yet to be disappointed by one of her books, so I will most likely read it at some point.

The next book coming out by her is Positively Penelope due out the first of August.

She is an author I highly recommend, If you give her books a try, you will definitely not be disappointed.

About the author:

I wrote my first story when I was a nine year- old, freckled-faced tomboy in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains (my earlier writings wouldn’t have been considered “books”, more like short stories). Coming from a long line of oral storytellers, weaving a good yarn seemed a typical part of my life.  It wasn’t until I finished college, had two children, and a full-time job before I began to study the ‘craft’ of writing (you know when I had plenty of time).

My music-director turned pastor husband took his first senior pastor position eight years ago, moved the 6 of us to Tennessee, where we added our fifth and final kid to the Basham crew. And now we’re in Asheville, NC. Yep, we love the Blue Ridge Mountains.

So…now I’m an older, freckled-faced mommy enjoying life, learning to write, and laughing often.  My mom says that I must have a small bit of insanity because I don’t realize how stressed I ought to be.

I’m also a speech-language pathologist who spends her time hanging out with kids who have social communication and language difficulties! It’s a challenge and a blessing – and constantly teaches me about the importance of thinking outside the box!

Check out her website.

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