Tuesday, March 7, 2023

In Her Sights, Pink Pistol Sisterhood Series #1 by Karen Witemeyer

Book description:

 He's sworn off love, but she has his heart in her sights and doesn't intend to miss.

Stained by his wastrel father's legacy, Jackson Spivey lives on the fringes of society. Townsfolk tolerate him since he keeps the local hotel supplied with fresh game, but mothers coach their daughters to avoid him. After tasting consistent rejection, Jackson spurns all attempts at courtship. The only things he can count on are his guns and his God.

Tessa James has been secretly in love with Jackson for ages, but trying to gain his favor only pushes him further away. When she learns Annie Oakley is traveling through Texas, Tessa seeks lessons from the famed markswoman. If Jackson's life revolves around guns, taking up shooting might help her engage his interest. Too bad she can't hit the broad side of a barn.

When Annie loans Tessa a custom pistol, however, things begin to change. The lore behind the mysterious weapon fosters hope that Tessa might finally hit the target of Jackson's heart. But when danger threatens, she might be forced to use the pistol for something other than finding love.

My review:
The author posted a teaser meme about this book that has a line from the book "Tessa James never expected to need an actual gun for husband hunting, but desperate times called for desperate measures."

 Even without that teaser, I would have been drawn to the book since any book by this author is a guaranteed great read.

And I was not disappointed.

This is the first book in The Pink Pistol Sisterhood Series, a series of books by different authors centered around a pistol with a pink grip, and the series is off to a terrific start with In Her Sights.

The book was entertaining, inspiring, amusing, and of course romantic. The book starts setting up the creation of the pink pistol and the reason for it being made. The real life Annie Oakley makes a an appearance, and is given the task of passing the pistol onto the right female.

Jackson and Tessa were awesome and likable characters. He held a torch for Tessa, but was determined not to act on it because of his background and his father's bad reputation. Tessa was in love with him and determined to have him, and decided guns were the way to accomplish that. And the path to that happening was quite entertaining. 

The book is not a long one, coming in at 108 - considered a novella - but is definitely worth reading. And though entertaining, it had a great message that our past does not matter, and God can redeem one's past and bring good out of it.

And if you have never read a novel by Karen Witemeyer, this would be a great one to try. Coming March 30.

I was provided a copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions in this review are my own.

About the author:

Voted #1 Reader's Favorite Christian Romance Author of 2019 by Family Fiction Magazine, bestselling and Carol and Christy Award-winning author Karen Witemeyer offers warmhearted historical romance with a flair for humor, feisty heroines, and swoon-worthy Texas heroes. She makes her home in Abilene, Texas, with her husband and three children. Learn more about Karen and her books at karenwitemeyer.com.

Coming April 10, #2: Love On Target by Shanna Hatfield

Coming April 20, #3: Love Under Fire by Cheryl Pierson

   Coming April 30, #4: Bullet Proof Bride by Kit  Morgan

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