Monday, November 7, 2022

Body of Evidence, Triple Threat Series #3 by Irene Hannon


Book description:

The dead don't give up their secrets easily

Forensic pathologist Grace Reilly has seen her share of unusual deaths in rural Missouri. But when she begins to notice a curious pattern in autopsies of older residents whose demises appear to be natural, she takes her concerns to Sheriff Nate Cox.

Nate is skeptical about the link Grace is seeing between the deaths, as well as her suspicions of foul play. But her persistence is compelling. And once they join forces to investigate, danger follows close behind. Because exposing the truth could destroy several lives--including Grace's.

Queen of inspirational romantic suspense Irene Hannon closes out her bestselling Triple Threat series with this gripping tale of secrets revealed and romance sparked.

My review:
    Irene Hannon has long been one of my top favorite Christian suspense authors, and is an author who keeps putting out fresh new suspense that seems to be even better than the previous books.

   This has been a really great series, and Body of Evidence, the last book in the trilogy, may be the best of the three. Forensic pathology is a fascinating subject, and Hannon did a great job of portraying it in the character of Grace Reilly. The descriptions of the autopsies were not gory, but gave enough information to be interesting.

 The plot was interesting and well done: murders that were done so well that they appeared to be natural deaths, suspected at first only by Grace, and then by Nate.

  Grace and Nate were great and likable characters, and both determined to find out what the truth was, no matter how many obstacles were in their way, including convincing the coroner that the deaths were not natural and they needed more tests done on the bodies.

 This is romantic suspense, and the romance part was more of a slow burn. Slight spoiler: not a lot happens in that department til closer the end of the book.

 The suspense part of the book was also kind of a slow burn. There are no chases or shootings, but it is still a big page turner and there are attacks on Grace that are more low key.

  In books like these where the killer is unknown, I always try to figure out who it is, and sometimes I am successful. I was not in this book. I figured it out right before Nate did, and it was not a big leap at that point, but it was a big surprise....I did not see that one coming at all.

 The book had a great satisfying conclusion that brought all three sisters together, and not only tied up the murder investigation quite well, but also the romance angle.

  Body of Evidence shows that even after all the books and series this author has written, she still has it.

I was provided a copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions in this review are my own.

About the author:

Irene Hannon is the bestselling and award-winning author of more than 60 contemporary romance and romantic suspense novels. In addition to her many other honors, she is a three-time winner of the prestigious RITA Award from Romance Writers of America. She is also a member of RWA's elite Hall of Fame and has received a Career Achievement Award from RT Book Reviews for her entire body of work. Learn more at

 Body of Evidence is available from Revell Publishing, part of the Baker Publishing Group.

Thanks to Revell for the review copy.

And check out the rest of The Triple Threat Series:

                                                                         Book #1

                                                                        Book #2

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