Monday, July 18, 2022

A Home In Cranberry Cove, Cranberry Cove Series #4 by June Foster

Book description:

 Madison Mitchell will never trust a man again. The love of her life broke her heart and married a French chef. Now she throws herself into her work at The Inn at Cranberry Cove. When she accidentally tangles with the manager of a nearby fishing supply store, she suspects the handsome guy is hiding something.

Micah Collins flees Sacramento seeking solace in the seaside village in Washington state. But he discovers an enemy has followed him to Cranberry Cove. He must endure frightful threats at the same time keeping his previous life secret. When Madison finds herself in danger, Micah blames himself.

Madison and Micah are haunted by someone from Micah’s past, but is the culprit the real enemy or should they look elsewhere? Will they find a future together?

My review:

   I have read and reviewed all four books in this series, and have enjoyed all of them. This fourth one is my favorite of the four. All of this authors books feature likable characters, but I found Micah and Madison even more likable than the others in this series. Both of them had suffered loss in their own ways, and Micah had left behind a great career to work at a sporting goods store to get away from his life.

  This book also seemed more suspenseful to me than the first three. The bad guy options were more numerous, and I couldn't tell for sure who was guilty, or if more than one person was guilty. That was kept up in the air for the majority of the book, and my suspicions were mostly correct.

  The book is romantic suspense, so there is romance. In addition to the suspense aspect, the romantic aspect was also done very well and had me hoping for the best for Micah and Madison. He, trying to cope with the loss of his wife, and Madison coping with a lost love interest and a divorce on top of that.

 One thing this author does not shy away from is putting the salvation message in her books. I see people complain about too much of that in book reviews I see, but Christian fiction should have a strong Christian message in addition to being clean and curse free. And these books are all that.

 They say you cannot judge a book by its cover, but the books in this series have gorgeous eye-catching covers which are indictive of how good the books are.

 Foster has again written a great Christian suspense novel with strong and likable characters and a great Christian message.

I was provided a copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions in this review are my own.

About the author:

An award-winning author, June Foster is also a retired teacher with a BA in Education and a MA in

counseling. She is the mother of two and grandmother of ten. June began writing Christian romance in 2010. She penned her first novel on her Toshiba laptop as she and her husband traveled the US in their RV. Her adventures provide a rich source of information for her novels. She brags about visiting a location before it becomes the setting in her next book.

To date, June has written twenty-one contemporary romance and romantic suspense novels and novellas. She loves to compose stories about characters who overcome the circumstances in their lives by the power of God and His Word. June uses her training in counseling and her Christian beliefs in creating characters who find freedom to live godly lives. She's published with Winged Publications. Visit June at to see a complete list of her books.

Check out the other books in the series:

                                                                       Book #1

Book #2

Book #3

1 comment:

  1. Mark, I thank you for your thorough and comprehensive review. I wouldn't be able to pen my fiction if it weren't for loyal readers like you. You are a blessing to me, and I thank our God for you. I pray for good health and special times with your family.
