Thursday, April 28, 2022

Fatal Code, The SNAP Agency #2 by Natalie Walters

Book description: 

In 1964, a group of scientists called the Los Alamos Five came close to finishing a nuclear energy project for the United States government when they were abruptly disbanded. Now the granddaughter of one of those scientists, aerospace engineer Elinor Mitchell, discovers that she has highly sensitive information on the project in her possession--and a target on her back.

SNAP agent and former Navy cryptologist Kekoa Young is tasked with monitoring Elinor. This is both convenient since she's his neighbor in Washington, DC, and decidedly inconvenient because . . . well, he kind of likes her.

As Elinor follows the clues her grandfather left behind to a top-secret nuclear project, Kekoa has no choice but to step in. And with danger closing in on all sides, Elinor will have to trust the man who has been spying on her to ensure her discoveries stay out of enemy hands--and she stays alive.

My review:
   This is only the second series by this author, and she has definitely become a favorite. Her first series, Harbored Secrets was a great series. This series is totally different, but just as great as the first. I enjoy a series that has a team that works together and has a different team member featured in each book, and this series has that.

   Fatal Code is not one of those fast page turners with chases, shootings, and on your edge suspense. It is a slow moving suspense novel with a lot of technical jargon, and trying to figure out who the bad guys are, and how to stop them. That does not mean it is not a great read, for it definitely is.

  This book centers on Kekoa, the Hawaiian member of the team who is their technical guru. He is hilarious,  I learned a lot about Hawaiian foods and culture - and not all of those foods sounded like anything I wanted to a hamburger patty smothered in gravy tucked into a bed of rice and a fried thanks. :)

  There is a lot of technical and computer terms throughout the book with the two main characters being computer and code experts, but the author did it in a way that didn't cause my eyes to glaze over or cause me to skim. I am not saying I understood it all, but it was written in a way that I at least had an idea what was going on and found it interesting.

 As with the first book, the interplay between the team was very entertaining, and had me chuckling throughout the book.

  Even though this was a slower paced book, a lot happened and I had a hard time putting it down, and I did read it in one sitting.

  The book had a great ending, but left me wanting more. Looking forward to the next, and I assume last book, which will feature the last two members of the team who refuse to admit they are interested in each other: Garcia and Layla.

I was provided a copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions in this review are my own.

About the author:

Natalie Walters is the author of Lights Out, as well as the Harbored Secrets series. A military wife, she currently resides in Texas with her soldier husband and is the proud mom of three. She loves traveling, spending time with her family, and connecting with readers on Instagram and Facebook. Learn more at

Fatal Code will be available from Revell Publishing on May 3.
Revell is part of the Baker Publishing Company.

  This series is best read in order, including the prequel that shows how the team met and was set up.


Book #1


1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to reading this one soon. The technical jargon has me a little concerned, though.
