Thursday, February 10, 2022

Never Leave Me, Waters of Time #1 by Jody Hedlund

Book description:

 Facing death takes courage. Facing life takes even more.

In the last stages of a genetic disease, Ellen Creighton has decided to live out her remaining days at the estate of her longtime friend Harrison Burlington. Though he's never allowed himself to get serious in a relationship due to his paralysis, Harrison cares deeply for Ellen and is desperately trying to save her life by finding the holy water that is believed to heal any disease--the same substance Ellen suspects is responsible for the deaths of her father and sister.

But Harrison is not the only one seeking the holy water. Dangerous criminals are mere steps behind, and Ellen soon learns they will go to any lengths to get the powerful drug--including sending her back into the past to locate it for them.

Bestselling and award-winning author Jody Hedlund plunges you into the swiftly flowing river of history in this second breathtaking Waters of Time story.

My review:

   Time travel books intrigue me. I was happy to review the first book in this series, and enjoyed it so much that I have been waiting to read this second book in the series.

 In my humble opinion, the second book is even better, and an easier read in some ways. The method of time travel  and the main characters were already introduced in book #1. The scene of 1382 was already set in 1382 also, so the reader was able to be pulled into the story least that was the case for me.

  Ellen and Harrison were both great and likable characters. This book pulled them from being minor characters in the first book, to being the two main characters in the second book. Harrison especially was an awesome character, and his strengths and character really shone in this book.

 There is some suspense and bad guys in the story, which is something I always like. In addition to the suspense angle with the bad guys, there was also a part that was suspenseful of what was going to happen to Harrison and Ellen. One would assume they both survive and get their happy ever after......but the present, or would they also be consigned to the year 1382 like Ellen's sister? I had my own prediction, and am happy to say I was correct.

 All in all, the book was an excellent and enjoyable read that held my interest til I read it from cover to cover in one sitting. Hedlund was a new author to me until last year, and this is just one of several books of hers I have enjoyed. I definitely recommend this book, but the two should definitely be read in order.

I was provided a copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions in this review are my own.

About the author:

Jody Hedlund ( is the bestselling author of over 30 historical novels for both adults and teens and is the winner of numerous awards, including the Christy, Carol, and Christian Book Awards. Jody lives in Michigan with her husband, busy family, and five spoiled cats.

 Never Leave Me is available from Revell, part of the Baker Publishing Group.

Thanks to Revell for the review copy.

                                                                            Book #1

1 comment:

  1. I have wanted to read this one since I finished the first one. While it's not my typical genre I loved it. I finally have a copy from the library and plan to read it in the next week. Excellent review, thanks for sharing!
