Monday, January 7, 2019

Under the Midnight Sun, The Heart of Alaska #3 by Kimberly Woodhouse & Tracie Peterson

Book description:

Tayler Hale is ahead of her time as one of the first women naturalists. She has always loved adventure and the great outdoors, and her remote job location also helps keep her away from the clutches of the man to whom she once made a foolish promise. It seems she must keep running, however, and in secret, her boss from Yellowstone arranges for a new job . . . in Alaska.

The popular Curry Hotel continues to thrive in 1929 as more visitors come to Alaska and venture into the massive national park surrounding Denali. Recent graduate Thomas Smith has returned to the hotel and the people he considers family. But when a woman naturalist comes to fill the open position and he must work with her, everything becomes complicated.

The summer brings unexpected guests and trouble to Curry. With his reputation at stake, will Thomas be able to protect Tayler from the danger that follows?

My review:

  Unless you read a lot of fiction, you may not understand getting attached to fictional characters....but it happens, especially with a series. In the first book of this trilogy, the authors introduce the then late teens Thomas, a likable clumsy and gangly orphan. He had a crush on the main female character of book #1, but she had other romantic interests, and he was like a brother. The authors may not have planned it, but Thomas became the most liked character of the series, not just by me, but by other readers. his story.

  Words can be overused at times, and some words used to exaggerate. Awesome may be a word that is overused, but is not an exaggeration for this book. It is no surprise, as this was a great series.

 What's to like?

The characters: 

There is the already mentioned Thomas, who has been a focused on in the other books, but becomes one of the two main characters in this story. He has to be the most likable person in these books, and there have been several. Then there is the female protagonist, Tayler, trying to make it as a woman in a man's world, and getting push-back from the young college graduate, Thomas. The budding attraction between these two who rub each other wrong for a lot of the time is enjoyable and humorous.

 Others from the previous two books are back, including the grumpy head of the hotel kitchen, Mrs Johnson, and her two would be suitors.....whose antics had me laughing out loud.

The suspense:

 This isn't suspenseful as the books I usually read, but it does have its suspenseful moments and its not-so-nice guys making an appearance. I always enjoy that in a book.

The romance:

 I may be a bachelor, but I am a romantic at heart, and have come to enjoy romance in a book, as long as it is done right and not overly gushy or unrealistic. There were actually three romances going on in this book, one that was downright hilarious (mentioned already). The main one involved the hero and heroine of the story, and it was also humorous at times, and very entertaining. I admit I was cheering on Thomas, and hoping and figuring he would get the girl. Spoiler: he does.

Christian content:

 I have never understood Christian fiction authors who avoid Christian content, or readers who don't like it - and both exist. Woodhouse and Peterson are not afraid to go there, and they go there very well in this book. The main takeaway in that area from this book is forgiveness. Via a fictional preacher, they tackle that subject well enough that I had to say "ouch". It is an area I need help in, and am undoubtedly alone in.

Plot and setting:

  This book and series was set in the early 1900's at the Curry Hotel, an actual hotel near a railroad and Mount Denali. The authors did a tremendous job of describing the hotel, mountain, and other areas. I feel it is a mark of a great author who can paint a great picture with words and cause the reader to feel they are stepping into the story and seeing what the fictional characters are seeing. And that happened in this book, and the previous two. It caused me to wish I could visit that area some day.

  The Heart of Alaska was a great read, and a true treat to enjoy. I was sad to see it end, but Under the Midnight Sun brought the series to a truly great and satisfying end, and left the recurring characters in a great place to end the book. I definitely recommend this book, and the whole series.

 I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

About the authors: 

Kimberley Woodhouse ( is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than fifteen fiction and nonfiction books. A popular speaker and teacher, she's shared her theme of "Joy Through Trials" with more than half a million people across the country at more than 2,000 events. Kim and her incredible husband of twenty-five-plus years have two adult children. She's passionate about music and Bible study and loves the gift of story. You can connect with Kimberley on her website and at

Tracie Peterson ( is the bestselling, award-winning author of more than 100 novels. Tracie also teaches writing workshops at a variety of conferences on subjects such as inspirational romance and historical research. She and her family live in Montana.

 Under the Midnight Sun, and the other two books in the Heart of Alaska Series is available from Bethny House Publishing, part of the Baker Publishing Group.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet review! It is nice to read a mans take on the story and you have not spoiled the book for me and I have my copy here to read and see what happens. Awesome Review !!!
    Linda Marie Finn
    Faithful Acres Books
