Wednesday, November 29, 2017

World View by Marvin Olasky

Book description:

How could our world be different if Christians were recognized for not only speaking the truth, but also demonstrating mercy? What would our lives be like if we reacted to our common culture with not just biblical facts, but also grace and compassion?

For more than 25 years, Marvin Olasky has offered this kind of viewpoint in his columns as the Editor-in-Chief of World Magazine, the leading news magazine written with a Christian perspective. In this collection of far-ranging columns, Olasky's commentary on world events and affairs, as well as his own personal interactions, encourages readers to respond with both grace and truth in every encounter.

A leading voice for standing for biblical truth in the public square, Olasky also believes Christians should incorporate the biblical virtues of humility, kindness, and mercy in all of life. His call for biblical values to include both truth and mercy makes his voice stand out in a world that often falsely divides those goals and settles for a poor imitation of the robust Christianity described in Scripture. These short and punchy columns offer readers a new way to consider challenges in today's world and shows them how to respond to any encounter biblically, but not hysterically, providing a wake-up call for the complacent, while also calming the frantic.

Regular readers of World will want to have this 60-column collection for their own library, as well as an extra copy to share with friends.
Curated columns that offer the best of Martin Olasky, editor-in-chief of World.
Commentary on world events of the last 25 years from the leading news magazine with a Christian perspective.
Sets forth a vision for how Christians can speak truth and demonstrate mercy at the same time.
Provides a reader-friendly way to think through challenges and respond biblically, but not hysterically.
A wonderful collection that World readers will want for their own library and to share with friends.

My review:

  When I read the email offering this book for review, I just skimmed it. I didn't realize until I started reading it that is comprised of columns the author wrote for World Magazine. That is not a complaint. I actually enjoy books that have short sections/chapters, as they are great to pick up and read a page or two and set the book aside to do other things. And these columns cover a lot of different topics, all written in an interesting fashion that one wants to ponder on and not just skim.

 To be honest, I have never read World Magazine nor have I heard of Marvin Olasky....... but this book makes me want to read the magazine. Olasky has a unique style of writing that merges religion, current events,  and politics in a great way that makes sense and shows the need of Christian values and morals in our world.

 In one way, the book is a quick read being split up into so many columns. Yet, these are columns that need to be read carefully and thought about, so in that way it is not a quick read if you want to get the most out of the book. Regardless, there is a lot of great thoughts in this book that make it worth the time to read.

About the author:

Marvin Olasky is editor-in-chief of WORLD News Group, a distinguished chair in journalism and public policy at Patrick Henry College, and the author of more than twenty books, including Compassionate Conservatism and The Tragedy of American Compassion.

He and his wife, Susan, have four sons and one granddaughter.

World View is available from New Growth Press.

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