Friday, August 18, 2017

Fatal Trust by Tood Johnson

Book description:

Ian Wells is a young criminal defense attorney struggling to build a Minneapolis law practice he inherited from his father while caring for a mother with Alzheimer's. Nearly at the breaking point, everything changes for Ian when a new client offers a simple case: determine whether three men qualify for over nine million dollars of trust funds. To qualify, none can have been involved in criminal activity for the past twenty years. Ian's fee for a week's work: the unbelievable sum of two hundred thousand dollars. 

Ian warily accepts the job--but is quickly dragged deep into a mystery linking the trust with a decades-old criminal enterprise and the greatest unsolved art theft in Minnesota history. As stolen money from the art theft surfaces, Ian finds himself the target of a criminal investigation by Brook Daniels, a prosecutor who is also his closest law school friend. He realizes too late that this simple investigation has spun out of control and now threatens his career, his future, and his life.

My review:

  Todd Johnson is still a fairly new author, with this being just his third book. I read the other two and enjoyed them, so I figured I'd like this one also.

  There are some books you read that are predictable, but this was not one of those. It is a book I'd classify as a legal thriller, and it is one full of suspense and action. I found myself liking and feeling bad for the main character as he quickly got in over his head as he just tried to do his job.

 I wouldn't necessarily classify this book as Christian fiction, as there really isn't much Christian content... if any. Yet, the book is definitely Christian in worldview, and there is no cursing or improper content. Johnson is able to spin a great story without putting any cursing or improper content, which I admire in an author.

 I very much enjoyed this book, and it could possibly be his best yet. It is definitely a page turner that I didn't want to put down, and I was surprised at the ending, which came all too fast. Great read.

I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

About the author:

Todd M. Johnson has been a practicing attorney for over 30 years. Todd's passion for writing blends well with his legal career, and his novels are drawn closely from his personal experiences as a trial lawyer.

A graduate of Princeton University and the University of Minnesota Law School, Todd taught for two years as an adjunct professor of International Law, and has served as a US diplomat in Hong Kong.

The Deposit Slip, Johnson's first novel, debuted in 2012. His second novel, Critical Reaction, was released in October 2013.

A third novel, Fatal Trust, is set in Todd's hometown of Minneapolis, and released in early summer 2017.

Fatal Trust is available from Bethany House Publishers, part of the Baker Publishing Group.

Thanks to Bethany House for the review copy.

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