Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Weaver's Needle by Robin Caroll

Book description:

Two recovery specialists.
One murder.
A hunt for the Dutchman's Lost Gold Mine becomes a race of survival.

Former Army MP Landry Parker fell into the recovery specialist role quite by accident—to help her ailing father. Now that she’s on her own, she is determined to prove herself and honor her family legacy.

After being shot in the line of duty, former police officer Nickolai Baptiste became a recovery specialist, and he’s good at his job—maybe even the best.
A potential client pits Landry and Nickolai against one another to find the Dutchman’s Lost Gold Mine map that was stolen from her murdered husband, and the potential payday is too enticing to pass up. The trail takes them from New Orleans to Weaver’s Needle in Arizona where legend claims the mine is hidden. Landry and Nickolai are no strangers to adventure, but the unlikely partners quickly discover there’s someone after the treasure and there are those who want to ensure the lost mine in Arizona’s Superstition Mountain stays lost forever.

Can Landry and Nickolai work together despite their distrust of each other to save the legend before more innocent lives are lost? Will they find the real treasure isn’t the gold, but something more valuable. . .true love and understanding?

My review:

 What do you get when you throw together a treasure hunt, romance, Indian folklore, and a competition to find a treasure map? An awesome book, that is what you get...... though it took more than tossing those things together. There is some quality writing here.

 I have been a fan of Robin Caroll's books since I first discovered her when she was writing for Broadman and Holman Publishing. I liked and eagerly read everything she wrote. It has been a while since she has written anything, so I was excited to see this book coming...... and was not disappointed after the seemingly endless wait. This is possibly her best, and that is saying a lot.

 I loved the characters and their interplay, especially the main two. You knew they were going to fall for each other, even though they were competitors, but it was still fun to read about. I love a good treasure hunt story, and that aspect of the book really kept my interest, made all the more captivating by the attempts to stop the dynamic duo from finishing their quest.

 The suspense was top notch, and I wasn't sure who the bad guy was for most of the book, though I was not surprised at his identity.

 Caroll also did a great job of describing the settings for her novel, and it made me want to go explore and look for hidden treasure also.

 Though the book is fictional, it IS based on a true treasure, which made the story more appealing.

 To sum it up: Awesome book, and I enjoyed every page of it. Robin has done herself and Christian fiction proud with her latest novel.

 I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

About the author:

Born and raised in Louisiana, Robin Caroll is a southerner through and through. Her passion has always been to tell stories to entertain others. She gives back to the writing community by serving as Conference Director for ACFW. Her books have finaled/placed in such contests as Romantic Times Reviewer's Choice, Bookseller's Best, and Book of the Year. To learn more about this author of deep South mysteries of suspense to inspire your heart.

Check out her website.

Weaver's Needle is available from Shiloh Run Press, an imprint of Barbour Books.

Thanks to Barbour and the author for the review copy.

1 comment:

  1. I just finished this one! I have to agree with your review. It was spot on and I loved it! :-)
