Thursday, April 27, 2017

How to Overcome Worry by Dr Winfred Neely

Scripture’s cure for the worry epidemic 

Do you struggle with worry or anxious thoughts on a regular basis? Does your mind get fixated on the same concern over and over? Do you know you should stop worrying but repeatedly fail to do so?

How to Overcome Worry presents a biblical and practical strategy for this exact problem. Dr. Winfred Neely, who has experienced his fair share of anxiety-inducing circumstances, walks you through Philippians 4:6–7 to help you:

Understand the difference between concern and worry
Use prayer as a means of grace to overcome worry
Cultivate gratitude and thanksgiving as an antidote to worry
Navigate changing seasons and circumstances without falling into worry
Employ practical strategies for experiencing the peace of God
Worry is one of the top issues in our world today, even among Christians, and this concise and biblical approach will offer real solutions. In His Word, God tells us to stop worrying, pray about everything, and expect His peace. This is a true promise of Scripture, and this book will help you to lay hold of it.

My review:

 I worry. A lot. When I saw this small book available for review, I knew I had to review it. I needed it, and a lot of other people need it.

 It isn't a big book, coming in at 109 pages, and measuring smaller than the average book also.  But don't let that fool you. Worry is a big topic, but the author fit a lot about it in this small book. He starts out the book discussing worry, and then goes into practical and Biblical ways to combat it.

 The book ends with three appendixes: The first is a pattern for prayer, the second contains Scriptures to combat worry, and the third has questions to consider.

 This is an easy to read book that has some very valuable and Biblical help for combating worry. I found it very helpful, as will anyone else will who struggles with worrying.

I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

About the author:

WINFRED NEELY (B.A., D.Min. Trinity International University; M.A. Wheaton) is currently working towards an advanced research degree in Old Testament at the University of Bristol, England. He is an ordained minister of the Gospel and a full time professor of hermeneutics, homiletics, and pastoral studies at Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Prior to joining the faculty at Moody, Winfred served churches in the City of Chicago and is currently interim pastor of the Judson Baptist Church in Oak Park, IL. He brings to his ministry a global perspective, having served as a missionary/pastor in Senegal, West Africa for nine years. He is also involved in a global equipping ministry, speaking and conducting workshops and training events at churches and conferences in the US and abroad. He and his wife Stephne have been married for forty years and have four adult children and nine grandchildren. He takes acting classes from time to time and is an ardent fan of science fiction films such as Star Wars and Star Trek.

How to Overcome Worry is available from Moody Publishing.

Thanks to Moody for the review copy.

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