Thursday, September 15, 2016

365 Pocket Morning Prayers by David R. Veerman

Each morning when you arise, take a moment to talk with God about the day ahead. Ask Him to prepare your heart so that you can be ready to face any challenge that comes your way. 365 Pocket Morning Prayers can guide this time of life-changing conversation and help you express your needs and concerns to God. Don’t worry about what the day will bring. Instead, release your troubles and concerns into God’s care by reading and meditating on the prayers featured in 365 Pocket Morning Prayers. Begin your day in joyful anticipation, trusting that God is in control of your life and wants only the best for you.

My review:

  As is the case with any daily devotional or prayer book, I have not read this entire book, but have used it daily for the last couple of weeks.

 And as one would gather by the title, this is a small book that will fit in pockets.... depending on the size of the pocket. The book itself is made of imitation leather and has a removable cardboard half jacket.

  Each page has a prayer for the day on a specific subject or need, along with a verse or two of Scripture to go along with it. The exceptions are the days I assume are meant for the week-end where two  prayers appear on the same page.

  There is an index of the prayers by subject at the back of the book, and I personally feel it would be better to go by the index instead of reading through the book day by day in order of the prayers. There were a couple of mornings when the prayer didn't apply to anything I was going through or dealing with at that time, whereas looking in the index would make it easier to find prayers I do need.

 The prayers themselves are well written and said what I would want to say. I like the book and plan on keeping it nearby for each day, I found it a good addition to my own prayers I pray to start the day.

I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

365 Pocket Morning Prayers is available from Tyndale Publishing. Thanks to Tyndale for the review copy.

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