Monday, June 20, 2016

My Mother's Quilts by Ramona Richards, with a contest

A quilt is love that serves a purpose.

The devotions in My Mother’s Quilts are inspired by family heirloom quilts, some more than 100 years old. With humor and sincerity, Ramona Richards shares her memories and lessons learned from the quilters whose legacies live on in their work. Rich, personal, sometimes heartbreaking, often funny, each reading provides a lesson and encouragement from the faithful women who crafted the quilts. Together, these devotions depict the enduring legacy of faith, family, and beloved traditions. Includes full color photographs of each of the 30 quilts!

My review:
   I am not a mother or a quilter, and this book is definitely a woman's devotional; but I do occasionally review books that don't pertain to me.

  This is a very attractive book that would make a great gift for quilt lovers. There is a total of 60 devotionals in the book. Each one starts out telling about the quilt mentioned, along with a photo of it and a spiritual application. The devotional ends with a prayer starter, a short prayer. Every devotional has a color picture of the quilt being discussed, and 30 of those devotionals have a full page photo of the quilt. Although most of the focus is on the quilt and the spiritual application is usually short and no deep theological discourse, they are interesting and helpful.

 The book is hardcover with a dust jacket. It is available from Worthy Publishing.

I was given a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

Thanks to FlyBy Promotions for the review copy.

About the author (in her words):

I started making stuff up at 3, writing it down at 7, and selling it at 18. I've written 10 books. My Mother's Quilts, a devotional based on the quilts I inherited from my mother, is my latest. Memory of Murder, from Love Inspired is the latest novel.

I'm also an editor, with more than 400 publications to my credit. My specialty is fiction, although I've also worked on CD-ROMs, magazines, non-fiction, children’s books, Bibles, and study guides. Lot of publishers have helped my bottom line, such as Thomas Nelson, Barbour, Howard, Harlequin, Ideals, etc.

And, as I say on Twitter (@RamonaRichards), I'm Rachel's mom. Music nut. Film buff. Lifelong geek. Former Bible editor. Usually a fun person to eat a burger with. And I love living in the ongoing street party that is Nashville.

Check out her website at


Win one of the quilts featured in #MyMothersQuilts by Ramona Richards. Also up for grabs: loads of other prizes including quilting hand warmers, coloring books, and 25 signed copies of Ramona’s book. Winners will be emailed after the contest ends on June 30, 2016. Click here to get started!

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