Monday, May 30, 2016

The Valley of the Dry Bones

In The Valley of the Dry Bones, Jerry B. Jenkins overlays the ancient End Times prophecies of Ezekiel onto the landscape of modern California. After a 17-year drought, multiple earthquakes, and uncontrollable wildfires, the state is desolate. The United States President declares the state uninhabitable and irreparable, directing California's 39 million citizens to relocate. From the air, California looks like a vast abandoned sand box, but to a few groups of people, it's their home. With less than 1% of the population remaining in California at their own risk, the holdouts encounter a clash of cultures, ethnicities, religions, and politics that pits friend against friend with the future of California at stake.

My review:

  This book wasn't quite what I expected. I was thinking it was going to be a suspense novel, but it wasn't. The novel is sort of dystopian as it takes place after the state of California becomes pretty much a wasteland.

  The book was interesting enough, and had a different type of plot than I usually read. It was sort of a survivalist type story. I liked the characters, and the book held my attention well enough; but when I was done reading it; I asked myself aloud "what was the point of the book?" Maybe it needed a different kind of ending, but I did not feel that satisfaction I feel upon finishing a great book...... I just felt like the story had no point, and no real ending, and I found myself wondering why these people didn't just leave the desolate state as there didn't seem to be many people there for them to bring to God.

  It IS written well, but it just needed something more than it had in my opinion.

About the author:

Jerry Bruce Jenkins is an American novelist and biographer. He is best known as co-author of the Left Behind series of books with Tim LaHaye. Jenkins has written over 180 books, including mysteries, historical fiction, biblical fiction, cop thrillers, international spy thrillers, and children's adventures, as well as non-fiction. His works usually feature Christians as protagonists. In 2005, Jenkins and LaHaye ranked 9th in's 10th Anniversary list of Hall of Fame authors based on books sold at during its first 10 years. Jenkins and his wife Dianna have three sons and eight grandchildren.

The Valley of Dry Bones is available from Worthy Publishing.

Thanks to Worthy for the review copy.

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