Tuesday, October 27, 2015

You Can't Text a Tough Conversation by Mike Bechtle

When it comes to the tough stuff, we need real, face-to-face conversations. But have we lost the art?

There's no denying that as our use of technology has increased, our communication skills have decreased. Technology creates the illusion of being in touch, but we lose the deeper meaning conveyed by body language, facial expression, and tone of voice. We text when we should talk. We tweet firings and breakups. We vent our frustrations with other people online. Whether it's with a spouse, a friend, a boss, a co-worker, or children, those tough conversations create high anxiety. In the end, what we have are broken relationships and hurt feelings.

In this timely book, communication expert Mike Bechtle shows you how to build strong relationships, offering tried-and-true methods to navigate the muddy waters of having tough conversations--in person. With his help, you'll learn to be a better listener, give and receive genuine feedback, saturate your relationships with kindness, and much more--so that you'll feel confident when it comes time to actually talk.

My review:
   I mistakenly thought this book was geared more towards a discussion on social media and its effect on society and conversations. Though that is covered somewhat and has a chapter on technology,  most of the book is on tough conversation in general. I still enjoyed the book and found it helpful though.

  The book has four parts: The Process of Conversation, Tools for  Healthy Conversation, Skills for Healthy Conversation, and Growing into connection. The author gives advice and tools for having difficult conversations with all sorts of people and in all kinds of situations. It is an easy, yet informative read that has great advice to handling any conversation, but especially tougher ones.

About the author:

Mike Bechtle (EdD, Arizona State University) is the author of People Can't Drive You Crazy if You Don't Give Them the Keys. His articles have appeared in publications such as Writer's Digest, Pastors.com, and Entrepreneur. A frequent speaker and former minister of worship, Bechtle lives in California.

You Can't Text a Tough Conversation is available from Revell, part of the Baker Publishing Group.

Thanks to Revell for the review copy.

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