Monday, September 21, 2015

Brotherhood of the World Bloggers Award

Carole at The Power of Words blog nominated some bloggers for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award even though I am not a sister - yeah, I changed the name for this post.  She gave me some questions to answer, and I am supposed to nominate 10 other bloggers, but to be honest I don't keep up with a lot of blogs and most of the ones I keep up with are not blogs about books, so I am just going to answer the questions and leave it at that, and urge anyone who read this to check out Carole's blog.

1) What do you enjoy most about fall? I love the colors of fall, the cooler temperatures that aren't too cold, nor too hot. I love seeing pumpkins, corn shocks, and other fall decor, and eating everything pumpkin.

2) What book are you currently reading? The Good and Beautiful God by James Bryan Smith.

3) Are you an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between? Somewhere in between. I still struggle with the idea that people actually like me, yet I am pretty outgoing. I like being around people but also like my alone time.

4) What's your favorite genre? Least favorite genre? Favorite genre': Christian mystery/suspense. Least favorite: Amish fiction

5) What is one of your favorite reads so far this year? It was probably Sabatoged by Dani Pettrey

6) Have you enjoyed a non-fiction book that you would recommend? The one I am reading, The Good and Beautiful God by James Bryan Smith. And although not recent, Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman.

7) If you had a bucket list, name one thing that would be on it. Travel the country taking pictures of churches and old barns.

8) Do you have a favorite hymn or Christian song? And Can It Be and Great Is Thy Faithfulness

9) If you were given the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why? Somewhere warm in the winter. To get away from the snow.

10) What Bible verse has ministered to you recently? Jeremiah 29:11

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