Monday, August 24, 2015

Glory Days by Max Lucado

God has a Promised Land for you to claim.

Maybe you're feeling a little stuck. Caught in a rut. You're fighting the same battles and facing the same temptations. You're wondering, is this as good as the Christian life gets?

There's good news. You were made for more. You were made for Glory Days.

In God's plan, in God's land, you win more often than you lose, forgive as quickly as you are offended, and give as abundantly as you receive. You may stumble, but you will not collapse. You may struggle, but you'll defy despair. You will enjoy abundant fruit and increasing faith.

With God's help you can close the gap between the person you are and the person you want to be.

These days are Glory Days.
Your past is past,
your future is bright,
God's promises are true and
his Word is sure.
With God as your helper,
you will be all he wants you to be,
do all he wants you to do,
and receive all he wants you to receive.
These days are Glory Days.

My review:
  I have not read every book Max Lucado has written, but I have read several of his over the years. This has got to be the best book for adults he has written. I was telling a friend about it, and as I was describing it I realized I was making it sound like a prosperity book....which it is not.

  Lucado focuses on Joshua and the children of Israel as they enter the promised land and take Jericho and other cities. He makes the point that these were the best days of Israel - their glory days, and that just like them, we can also have our glory days.

  Going through the book of Joshua, Lucado takes lessons from their victories and failures and applies them to our lives. He points out that we have walls of doubt and fear and most of us are not living our full potential as a Christian. I found myself convicted and encouraged as I read the book, and it also have me a new fresh look at the book of Joshua and the lessons I can learn from it.

  The book was interesting and an easy read that packs a great message. I highly recommend it.

About the author:

More than 120 million readers have found comfort in the writings of Max Lucado. He ministers at the Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas, where he lives with his wife, Denalyn, and a sweet but misbehaving mutt, Andy.

Find Max onlinewebsiteFacebookTwitter  

Glory Days is available from Thomas Nelson Publishing.

Thanks to Litfuse for the review copy.
Are you stuck in the wilderness known as midlife misery? Can you name the day you became a Christian but can’t remember the last time you defeated a temptation or experienced an answered prayer? Find encouragement in Max Lucado's new book, Glory Days. With God’s help you can close the gap between the person you are and the person you want to be. Like Joshua and the Israelites, you can move from a wilderness existence into a promised inheritance.

Now through August 31, 2015, pre-order Glory Days and receive free gifts!


There are two pre-order options:

Option 1:

Pre-order one copy of Glory Days (any format), and receive a free digital download of the abridged audio version of In the Grip of Grace by Max Lucado.

After you've pre-ordered, please claim your free gift by submitting your email and proof of purchase at

Option 2:

Pre-order one copy of Glory Days (any format) AND one copy of God is With You Every Day (Max's brand-new, 365-day devotional—any format), and receive both the abridged audio version of In the Grip of Grace and a paperback copy of Traveling Light by Max Lucado (U.S. addresses only). 

After you’ve preordered, please claim your free gift by submitting your email and proof of purchase at

Pre-order today and get your free gift by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the offer ends on August 31, 2015.


1 comment:

  1. We think alike on this book, Mark. Max has a way with words and I always enjoy his writing, even the fiction book he published recently. But this would make a great in-depth study, which is exactly what I plan to do soon.
