Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Wisdom Tree by Mary Manners

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Wisdom Tree
White Rose Publishing (September 19, 2012)
Mary Manners


A Word from the Author:
I live in the beautiful foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee with my husband, Tim, and our teen-aged daughter, Danni. Also with us are Lucky and Gus - the two cherished cats we rescued from local animal shelters.

I'm a member of the Romance Writers of America and Smoky Mountain Romance Writers. During the school year, I teach middle-schoolers reading and Algebra. When I have free time, I love to garden, take long walks with my husband, and read romance novels in a hammock beneath century-old shade trees.

I write romance novels for White Rose Publishing. If you'd like to visit, I have an author page there, as well. That's where you'll find everything there is to know about my books.

I also have author pages at the following locations. Do come by and spend some time with me there!


Sometimes the last thing we think we need is exactly what God has planned
After the death of his parents, Jake Samuels has enough on his plate—including a fledgling church to lead and a mischievous younger brother to raise. The last thing he needs is a rambunctious woman to contend with.

Carin O'Malley is dealing with the death of her brother and a new job as an English teacher at East Ridge Middle School where Corey Samuels reigns as King of Chaos. The last thing she needs is to fall in love...especially with a handsome and complicated preacher like Corey’s brother Jake.

But when Corey's antics toss Carin and Jake together, the two must draw from God’s wisdom to find refuge in His perfect plan.

------------------------------------------------ Discover your own wisdom tree with the included one-month devotional.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Wisdom Tree, go HERE.

My review:
  Although this is a romance, it sounded worth reading to me. It was an awesome book and I enjoyed it a lot, though I was disappointed it wasn't longer.

  I liked the characters a lot in the book. I am a sucker for a story with kids in, especially troubled kids. The book had a great plot, and I liked the idea of having a wisdom tree. It made me want to have my own.

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