Monday, January 19, 2015

Blind Trust by Sandra Orchard

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Blind Trust
Revell (June 17, 2014)
Sandra Orchard


Sandra Orchard is a multi-award-winning author of mysteries and romantic suspense with Revell Publishing and Harlequin’s Love Inspired Suspense imprint. She is an active member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America and The Word Guild (Canada). A mother of three grown children, she lives in Niagara, Canada with her real-life-hero husband and writes full time . . . when not doting on her young grandchildren.


Kate Adams had no idea she was carrying counterfeit money, and she can't believe that it came from her sweet neighbor. Or that it lands her in the middle of another one of Detective Tom Parker's investigations. Determined to prove her neighbor's innocence, Kate stumbles into a pit of intrigue that is far deeper than a two-bit counterfeit operation--and strikes too close to home for comfort. As family secrets come to light, her world--and her budding romance with Tom--begin to crumble. To Kate, it's clear that she won't be safe until she uncovers all of Port Aster's secrets. But is it too late for her and Tom?

If you would like to read the first chapter of Blind Trust, go HERE.

My review:

 This is only the second book I have read by Sandra Orchard, and I have enjoyed both books. This series is different, as in where most series like this has a different main characters in each book, the whole series has the same main characters. I rather like this way. In your average romantic suspense novel, the couple is either married, or well on their way to being married, by the end of the book. In this series however, the couple that are the main characters are far from being on their way to the altar. That isn't to say I don't like the other books, but it is kind of refreshing to have a series actually play out that part of the story in a slower and more believable fashion.

  I liked the first book a lot, but felt this one was even better. Another plus of keeping with the same main characters, is being able to have more character development. There is also an ongoing mystery that hasn't yet been resolved, yet the book ends in a way that doesn't keep you hanging.

  The suspense and mystery aspects of the book were great and well done, and kept me reading until I finished the book. There were a lot of suspects, and I was kept guessing who was guilty and of what until close to the end of the book. I'd highly recommend this series, but it is one that needs to be read in order. This author is well on her way to being a household name in Christian Suspense.

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