Monday, November 3, 2014

My Breaking Point, God's Turning Point by Ricky Texada

God Gives Us Hope in Crisis
Everyone faces heartache and disappointment at some point in life, but when there is profound loss and tragedy you may feel helpless and hopeless. You may even find yourself questioning everything you have believed about your future and about God's love and His plan for your life.

Ricky Texada shares his own story of unexpected loss and personal devastation, offering new perspective on God's amazing ability to restore. Would God reveal Himself in the midst of the darkest days of his soul? Could He be trusted after allowing so much pain? Was it possible for the sorrow to be turned into joy, allowing Ricky to run the race of life again with purpose and determination?

My Breaking Point, God's Turning Point demonstrates that hope can be found in the midst of devastation. As you join Ricky on this journey, you will find that God hears those who seek after Him, and that in the midst of loss and heartache, He reaches out . . . and restores.

My review:
  This book isn't listed as a biography, but it is very biographical, and I rarely, very rarely read biographies. But this book is worth reading.

  It is easy to look at some people and think they are problem free, especially those in the limelight. The author of this book is one of those people who would seem to have to have it all together, yet he experiences incredible loss in his life, losing his wife in a terrible car accident.

 In the book, he tells of how God brought him through that, and then he uses the lessons he learned to help others apply those lessons to their lives to help them through whatever they are going through.

 The book is interesting, and very helpful. It isn't one to read through quickly, but is one to read over slowly and think on. Each chapter ends with a "Restore and Renew" section that has some questions and things to think on and put down on paper. It is followed by "Reconnect and Revive", which is a prayer.

  I'd recommend this to people who have had a tragedy in their life or tough times.

My Breaking Point, God's Turning Point is available from Bethany House Publishers, part of the Baker Publishing Group..
Thanks to Bethany House for the review copy.

About the author:

Ricky Texada serves with his wife, Cyd, as pastor of Covenant Church in Colleyville, Texas, one of the four Covenant Church campuses in the Dallas/ Ft. Worth area. Throughout his 20 years of ministry, Ricky has challenged and inspired thousands around the globe to pursue a deeper walk with Christ. Ricky and Cyd share an incredible testimony of God's faithfulness in the midst of tragedy and difficult circumstances. They are the parents of two sons. Visit for more information.

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