Sunday, July 27, 2014

Praying the Attributes of God by Ann Spangler

God Is Greater than You Think
Many people feel both drawn to God and afraid of him. How can they feel close to a perfect God whom their flawed self is incapable of pleasing?

Fortunately, God has revealed truths about himself in Scripture that can untangle our confusion. In this daily guide to studying and praying according to the attributes of God, Ann Spangler resurrects old-fashioned words like holiness, omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. Far from boring us, these words, when excavated for their biblical meaning, paint a thrilling vision of God that can help us experience spiritual growth in a deeper way. They can also prevent us from making the colossal mistake of concluding God is too weak, distant, or uncaring to help us when we need him.

In the tradition of her bestselling books Praying the Names of God and Women of the Bible, this new daily devotional focuses on one particular attribute each week.

Praying the Attributes of God will help you see that God is far bigger and far better than you could ever hope or suspect.

My review:

   I have the Names of God Bible that Ann Spangler edited and came out with, so when I ran across this devotional book, I figured it would be good, so I picked up a copy. There is one thing I don't like about the book, but it is rather minor: the book is set up for Mondays through Fridays, and does not have any devotionals for Saturdays and Sundays, and I wish it was a 7-day week devotional. But it is still a great devotional.

 It is set up for 17 weeks, and each week focuses on one of God's attributes. Love, goodness, patience, wisdom, etc. 

Mondays have a key Scripture passage about a specific attribute of God, some background information, and a brief Bible study about the attribute.

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays have devotions to help pray specific Scripture passages that relate to the attribute.

Fridays have a reflection that helps connect the attribute to promises in the Bible, and a few other tools to use.

 I really like this devotional. It is part devotional and part Bible study as it helps you dig in more to attributes of God, and also helps you to pray. I found it very easy to read, and very helpful. The author obviously put a lot of time, study,  and effort into it, and the end result is great. It has made me want to read her other books she has out there.

About the author:

Ann Spangler is an award-winning author, publishing her first book and bestseller in 1994. She has continued to author several bestselling books, including Women of the Bible (co-authored with Jean Syswerda), Praying the Names of God, andPraying the Names of Jesus. Together her books have sold millions of copies. Her sensitivity to the ever-changing spiritual and cultural climate in which we live has enabled her to address themes of profound interest to many readers. She and her two daughters live in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Praying the Attributes of God is available from Tyndale Publishing.
I bought the book on my own and am posting a review as part of their summer reading program.

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