Monday, May 26, 2014

I'm Nobody: The Lost Pages by Alex Marestaing

We're all broken on this side of heaven, but we can make beautiful things from the pieces. 

Agoraphobic Caleb Reed is about to step outside for the first time in seven years, meet indie filmmaker Iris Elliott . . . and definitely not fall in love. It's all because of the notes, the weird and wonderful notes he keeps finding on his front porch, notes signed by someone claiming to be long dead poet Emily Dickinson. Caleb's parents think he's losing his mind, as always, but he knows they're wrong. Something's going on outside --- something strange, something terrifying . . . something beautiful. 

My review: 
  This was a weird, but interesting book. It was an easy read, and I got into the story pretty quickly and found myself liking the main character a lot, in spite of his phobias and fears. As he ventured out a little more with each note he received,  I found myself silently cheering this fictional kid on as he determinedly faced and overcame his fears of being outside.

  The book IS fictional, so there is no way the events could happen, a boy getting letters from a dead poet, but it was an entertaining read. And I came away with what may be the idea of the book: we can be so bound by our fears that we can miss out on making new friends and seeing the wonderful world around us. I don't personally know anyone who is so afraid that they won't leave the house, but there are many people, myself included, who worry and fear so much that our fears hold us back from a lot of good and new things in life. No dead poet will write us letters to help pull us out of our fears, but with God's help we can conquer them, which is better than a dead poet.

  This book is not Christian fiction, but there is nothing objectionable in it, and it does have a great message about fear and not letting it control us.

About the author:

Author Alex Marestaing loves to create. He's written for media outlets such as The Walt Disney Company, Lego, Thomas Nelson/Harper Collins,and The Los Angeles Times and has authored three YA novels. His latest, I'm Nobody: The Lost Pages, recently won an honorable mention at the London Book Festival and was nominated for a 2014 Epic Award.  Though he spends most of his time imagining ideas for the youth market, he's also written for faith-based publications and has covered his favorite sport, soccer, in Europe and the U.S. for Sports Spectrum Magazine and Yanks Abroad. When Alex isn't writing or speaking at conferences, you'll most likely find him hanging out in California with his wife, three kids, and Milou, his dog.

Connect with Alex: website, Facebook, Twitter
 I'm Nobody: The Lost Pages is available from Mymilou Press

Thanks to Litfuse for the review copy.

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