Friday, May 9, 2014

Fatal Exchange by Lisa Harris

Desperate times create desperate people. And desperate people are dangerous . . . Though Emily Hunt comes from a family of cops, the relatively quiet life of a high school teacher suits her just fine. She's saving up to buy a house, slowly moving forward after her brother's death, and settling into a life she loves. So the last person she wants to spend time with is Mason Taylor.

An undercover cop, Mason is enemy number one as far as her family is concerned. His involvement in the death of Emily's brother is still up in the air, and now he expects her to help him with a case. Mason has been working with one of her students, Rafael Cerda, whose brother has been kidnapped by a drug cartel. And with time running out to meet their demands, Rafael is getting desperate.

Emily will have to draw on all of her strength to handle what happens next . . .

Fatal Exchange will draw you into a complex matrix of intertwining lives, unraveling secrets, and unexpected love.

My review:
   I started reading this book later in the evening than I should have, and had intentions of reading part of it, going to bed, and finishing it the next day. Those intentions died once I got into the book. It doesn't take long for the action to start up, and I was pulled completely into the story. This is one of the best suspense novels I have read for a while. Great characters, non-stop action, suspense, and drama, and a strong message of faith.

  This is the second book in the Southern Crimes Series. I read and reviewed the first book, but it has been about a year, so I had forgotten most of what happened in that book, but some of it came back as I was reading this one.

  Lisa Harris is still a fairly new author to me. I read one of her books a few years ago and thought it was OK, then the book that precedes this one and liked it a lot, but she really hit a home run on this one. Awesome is overused a lot, but this book was that - awesome.

  Trusting God and forgiving someone who has done you wrong were both issues in the book, and I like it when an author can weave truths like that into a book, especially into a suspense novel. It only added to the depth of the story and made it more enjoyable.

  Lisa packed a nice little surprise into the very ending of the book, and I found myself moaning at the idea of having to wait a whole year to find out what happens. But if it is anything like this book, it will be worth the wait.

About the author:

Lisa Harris is a bestselling author, a Christy Award finalist, and the winner of the Best Inspirational Suspense Novel for 2011 from Romantic Times. She has sold over thirty novels and novella collections. Along with her husband, she and her three children have spent over ten years living as missionaries in Africa where she homeschools, leads a women's group, and runs a nonprofit organization that works alongside their church-planting ministry. The ECHO Project works in southern Africa promoting Education, Compassion, Health, and Opportunity and is a way for her to "speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves . . . the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice" (Proverbs 31:8).

When she's not working, she loves hanging out with her family, cooking different ethnic dishes, photography, and heading into the African bush on safari. For more information about her books and life in Africa, visit her website at or her blog at For more information about The ECHO Project, please visit

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