Thursday, August 22, 2013

Blood and Bone by Don Hoesel

Keeping the Secret of the Bones
Could Leave Jack With Blood on His Hands
After his many adventures, Jack Hawthorne has finally settled down. Married to Espy, and with two sons, he's content to live the life of a mild-mannered university professor. That all changes when someone discovers the secret of the prophet's bones Jack buried in the desert thirteen years ago. With just a single phone call, Jack's back on the run...with even more at stake than ever before. Determined not to risk the lives of his family, he knows the only way to finally be safe is to deliver the bones once and for all.

Except they aren't there. Someone got to the unmarked grave in the Australian outback first, leaving Jack and Espy empty-handed. Desperate, the two begin another globe-spanning race, following the tiniest of clues, to find the one thing that will either save their family or tear apart everything they hold dear.

My review:
   I love books that revolve around some kind of treasure hunting, and this series does exactly that. They are very similar to the Indiana Jones stories, but also different.

  I haven't yet read Elisha's Bones, which is the first book in this series, but enough reference is made to it that you don't need to read it before you read the other two books.

  In this book, Jack and Espy are now married with two sons and have to go globe trotting to track down the bones of Elisha again, but this time the stakes are much higher. I won't say how, as that would be a spoiler, but the book is another page turning, suspenseful novel with all kinds of surprises, twists, and danger. As so often with a book like this, I found myself so totally engrossed in it, that I kept reading until I came to the very satisfying conclusion.

  In addition to being a thrilling read, the book is also a great reminder that God can always be trusted and always works things out for our best. I totally loved this book, and enjoyed every page of it.

  I did have one issue with the book: It bothers me when a Christian author has a Christian character smoking, and that happens in this book. Other than that, it is a masterpiece of a treasure hunting suspense novel that I highly recommend.

  As of today, August 22, 2013 when I am typing this review, the first book in this series, Elisha's
Bones, is free on for the Kindle. I have no idea how long it will be free.

About the author:

   Don Hoesel is a Web site designer for a Medicare carrier in Nashville, TN. He has a BA in Mass Communication from Taylor University and has published short fiction in Relief Journal. He lives in Spring Hill, Tennessee, with his wife and two children. Blood and Bone is his fifth novel.

  Ways to keep up with him:

Blood and Bone is available from Bethany House Publishers. Thanks to Bethany House for the review copy.

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