Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Reunion by Dan Walsh

Everything lost can be found.

Aaron Miller knows a thing or two about loss. He's lost love. Dignity. Second, and even third, chances. Once honored for his heroism, he now lives in near obscurity, working as a handyman in a humble trailer park.

But God is a master at finding and redeeming the lost things of life. Unbeknownst to Aaron, someone is searching for him.

With deep insight into the human heart, consummate storyteller Dan Walsh gently weaves a tale of a life spent in the shadows but meant for the light. Through tense scenes of war and tender moments of romance, The Reunion will make you believe that everyone can get a second chance at life and love.

My review:
I first discovered Dan Walsh with his first book, The Unfinished Gift. I love Christmas stories and never pass up the chance to read one that sounds good, and it sounded good. Good doesn't begin to describe it. It is one of the best Christmas stories I have ever read.

I decided this was an author to keep an eye on, and indeed he is. He hit one out of the ballpark with his last novel, The Discovery, which is was so awesome that I am still telling people about it. The bad thing about a book like that, is it is hard to follow up. The Reunion comes close. I'd put it as a third base hit, compared to the home run The Discovery.

With the Reunion, Dan wanted to honor some guys who never got enough honor: Vietnam Vets, and he does a great job of doing that with a story. This is another tremendous story from this great author. I smiled, I cried, smiled some more, and yes - cried some more.

His pen created some wonderful characters and wrote a truly delightful story filled with hope, love, and second chances. I am a big suspense novel lover, but this book had me turning the pages just as fast as if it were a suspense novel, as I eagerly read on wanting to see how the book would end.

Dan Walsh has been compared to Nicholas Sparks. I read one Sparks novel, and thought it very sad, and most of his look sad. Maybe I am judging the books wrong, but it does appear Dan is similar, only his stories are Christian and filled with hope, not sadness.

The Reunion is also a romance story, but guys don't let that scare you away. It is definitely worth reading, as any of his books are.

About the author:

Dan Walsh is the award-winning author of several books, including The Discovery and The Reunion. A member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Dan served as a pastor for 25 years. He lives with his wife in the Daytona Beach area, where he's busy researching and writing his next novel.

Available September 2012 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Thanks to Donna from Revell for the review copy.

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