Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tidewater Inn by Colleen Coble

Welcome to Hope Beach. A place of intoxicating beauty . . . where trouble hits with the force of a hurricane.
Inheriting a beautiful old hotel on the Outer Banks could be a dream come true for Libby. The inn cries out for her restorer's talent and love of history. She's delighted to learn of the family she never knew she had. And the handsome Coast Guard lieutenant she's met there on the island could definitely be the man of her dreams.

But Libby soon realizes that the only way she can afford the upkeep on the inn is to sell it to developers who are stalking the island. The father who willed her the inn has died before she could meet him, and her newfound brother and sister are convinced she's there to steal their birthright. Worst of all, her best friend and business partner has been kidnapped before her eyes, and Libby's under suspicion for the crime.

Libby's dream come true is becoming a nightmare. Her only option is to find her friend and prove her innocence, or lose everything on the shores of Hope Island.

My review:

There are authors whose names are synonymous with class, and Colleen Coble is one of them. I don't read everything she writes, as some of her books don't lean as much towards suspense, but the ones I do read, I thoroughly enjoy. And this book was one I did thoroughly enjoy.

It is set in the Outer Banks, which was an added plus for me, as I love to vacation there, but it was just a top notch story all the way through. Coble has a great writing style, and I like the way she writes suspense.

I started to read the book with the intention of reading some of it and finishing it another day, but the book was so good that I just kept reading until the end. There was a lot of romance in the book, but if it is done right, I can handle that, and it was. I loved the plot, the setting, characters, ending,  and everything about it.

In addition to the suspense and romance, the book also dealt with family members forgiving each other and learning to act toward them as Jesus would.

This is the first in a series, and I am definitely liking the start of this series. I'd highly recommend this one.

About the author:

Colleen Coble is the author of more than forty books, most of them bestsellers. Some of her most recent novels are Lonestar Angel, The Lightkeeper's Ball, Blue Moon Promise, and Anathema, an Amish suspense. One of her most popular series is the Rock Harbor mystery series featuring Bree and Samson, a search-and-rescue dog team. She has won the Carol Award numerous times as well as romance and mystery awards. She lives in Wabash, Indiana with her husband Dave. Check out her website at

Tidewater Inn is available from Thomas Nelson Publishing.

Thanks to Thomas Nelson for the review copy.

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