Friday, December 9, 2011

Secrets of the Moutain Movie

Dana James is a single mom with three kids living in upstate New York. Life together has generally followed a predictable routine and things have always seemed manageable. But somewhere between the demands of her career as public defender, her ex’s wedding and the challenges of school schedules, a noticeable distance has emerged between family members.

Dana (played by Paige Turco) is now desperately looking to find ways to draw the family back together and reestablish the closeness they once had. An unexpected offer to purchase the mountain property inherited from Dana’s Uncle Henry (Barry Bostwick) provides an impromptu trip to Tesla Falls. The plan is to finalize the deal and to spend some much needed quality time together. Upon arrival, the family discovers the pending property sale has been driven by the discovery of an ancient text describing buried Aztec treasure within the mountain. And in an even bigger discovery, the family finds that adventurer Uncle Henry is still alive. Henry has his own plans to solve the mountain’s secrets and enrolls the entire family to help.

The race is on to solve the secrets of the mountain and find the treasure before the sale goes through. But those behind the purchase are determined to do everything possible to keep that from happening. Each family member will be required to step up and contribute their individual skills and talent if they are to solve this mystery. Because when times get tough, families don’t run away from problems. They run to each other.

My review:
I don't watch a lot of movies, but thought this one looked worth watching, and it was. This is not a Christian movie, but it couldn't be any cleaner or more family-friendly. There is no cursing at all. There WAS one use of God's name taken in vain which I did not catch, but I read Plugged In Online, Focus on the Family's review site, and they caught it. As they state in their review, this movie is "squeaky clean." I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it is one that kids will definitely enjoy. It has a bit of Indiana Jones feel to it at times. Check out the trailer:

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