Monday, June 20, 2011

Targets Down by Bob Hamer

Targets Down is the follow-up to retired FBI agent Bob Hamer's Enemies Among Us, which Publishers Weekly hailed as "a page-turning roller coaster that feels like Jack Bauer’s 24 without sailing over the top."

When an FBI wife is critically wounded and two people are found dead on a mountain pass, special agent Matt Hogan is tasked with identifying those responsible. The undercover assignment takes him into the shadow world of Russian organized crime, neo-Nazis, and the sex-slave industry. Matt's cover is almost blown twice—once by accident, once by incompetence within the FBI ranks—making violence appear to be his only solution. As he confronts evil, Hogan relies not only on the strength of his wife's faith but his own quest to find God. He also finds terror and terrorism on this heart-pounding journey.

My review:
Bob Hamer can add to his impressive list of accomplishments one more thing: A great writer.

I read and reviewed Bob's first book, Enemies Among Us, back in January. I loved it, and was very impressed with it, and when I saw a sequel was coming out, I put it on my list of must-read books. I kept hoping Broadman & Holman would send me a copy to review, but no luck. Thanks to my friend Molly for sending me her copy.

Targets Down does not disappoint as a sequel. Far from it. Hamer has only gotten better in his second novel. His main character, Matt Hogan, is back doing undercover work, and Hamer paints a very realistic picture of what that is like, based on his own activities as a former FBI agent.

This book has it all - suspense, excitement, intrigue, yet it remains true to what a Christian novel should be. Curse word-free, and free of inappropriate content. I was hooked from page one, and had a hard time putting the book down when I needed to. My only disappointment came at the end of the book. And that was because it came. I wanted to read on. Here is hoping that the author has a third novel featuring Matt Hogan in the works.

About the author:
Bob Hamer spent twenty-six years as a "street agent" for the FBI, many of them in an undercover capacity. In assignments lasting anywhere from a day to more than three years, he successfully posed as a drug dealer, contract killer, fence, pedophile, degenerate gambler, weapons dealer, and white-collar criminal.

Bob worked undercover against such diverse groups as La Cosa Nostra, the Sicilian Mafia, Mexican Mafia, Russian Mafia, Asian organized crime groups, and Los Angeles-based street gangs. His successful infiltration of NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) resulted in the arrest of what one defendant called eight members of the "inner circle."

He received numerous awards throughout his career including the FBI Director’s Award for Distinguished Service, five United States Attorney Awards for Distinguished Service, and numerous letters of commendation including one from then U.S. Attorney Rudy Giuliani.

Now retired, he is a member of the Writers Guild of America and the Writers Guild of Canada and has written for TV. He also worked as the technical advisor for The Inside and Angela's Eyes and has consulted for Law & Order: SVU and Sleeper Cell. He appeared as a guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Sean Hannity Show, Laura Ingraham, and other national and local TV and radio programs to discuss his role in the NAMBLA investigation.

In 2009, The Last Undercover was named as the Fifteenth Annual San Diego Book Awards Association, Best Memoir, General Interest.

A Marine Corps veteran and law school graduate, he is married and has two children.

Targets Down is available from Broadman and Holman Publishing
Sample chapter here.
Check out the author's website.

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