Sunday, May 1, 2011

Unplanned DVD...... And a Giveaway

(There is a giveaway of this DVD. Details at the end of this review)

 Abby Johnson thought she was helping women in crisis. She was about to learn the truth . . . and facing the secrets of her own painful past would be the toughest truth of all. In this documentary based on the book Unplanned, learn how Abby Johnson went from Planned Parenthood clinic director to leading voice for life and women in crisis.
My review:
I am extremely pro-life, as any genuine Christian should be, so I was happy to be able to review this DVD. It is a documentary about Abby Johnson, a Planned Parenthood director, and how she changed her views and her life and became pro-life.
The documentary talks a lot about Abby's growing-up years and up through college, which is where she became involved with Planned Parenthood. Her parents are featured a lot, and also several members of a pro-life organization that did peaceful protests at the clinic where she worked.
I found it fascinating to get a look at what goes on in the mind of someone who is pro-life and works at an abortion facility, and also hearing from people who are on the front lines of the pro-life movement, battling for the lives of innocent babies.
This is an amazing story. How someone so involved in the abortion industry could come so far, and change their view so much. It also helped me to see that we need to do more to fight this horrible scourge of abortion, and that even those who are caught up in the baby killing industry can be reached by God and changed completely.
I enjoyed the DVD, but was also convicted and challenged by it to do more.

The Unite for LIFE webcast is a free webcast featuring Abby Johnson that will benefit pregnancy care organizations. You can sign up to participate on May 17 at 8:00 p.m. (in all time zones) at Unplanned the book and the DVD will be available for purchase as a package deal and 33% of each purchase will go to crisis pregnancy centers like CareNet, the National Institute of Family & Life Advocates, and Heartbeat International.

The Unplanned DVD and book are both available from Tyndale Publishing.
Thanks to Tyndale for the review copy.

Tyndale has provided a certificate for a free copy of the Unplanned DVD. Leave a comment on this review, and you will be entered to win a copy. I will pick a winner 10 days from today on May 11.


  1. I have heard about this story and it definitely looks interesting. Great review Mark. I definitely would like to see that story and even show it to my teenage daughter who is (I'm proud to say) a huge supporter of the Pro Life movement.

    This past year, on the Friday before Sanctity of Life Sunday she and may friends wore red tape to school to signify the unborn who never get to speak. It's great to even see the impact these kinds of stories are having on teens today!

  2. I've also heard the book is well worth reading. I would love to win the video and donate it to my church library!

  3. Sign me up. I like to win things. :)

  4. This would be great for pro-life teaching for young girls who are considering abortion. Please enter me.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

