Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Killer Among Us by Lynette Eason

What happens when the hunter . . . becomes the hunted?

Kit Kenyon is a first-rate hostage negotiator. Noah Lambert is a good detective with excellent instincts. These new partners have hardly had time to get used to each other when they are thrown into a grisly murder case. As evidence mounts up and more victims are found, Kit and Noah realize they are on the hunt for a serial killer. The problem is, he may be hunting one of them too.

With nail-biting suspense, clever plot twists, and a hint of romance, A Killer Among Us is the latest thriller from Lynette Eason.

My review:
Lynett Eason is fast becoming one of my favorite authors. I have had the privelege of reading and reviewing all three books in her Women of Justice Series. This book is the third and final book in that series, and I am sad to see it end.

It seemed to me that book two was even better than the first book, and this third novel is the best of all three. At least it seems so to me.

Not only is this an awesome murder mystery, there is also some hostage negotiation in the book, which interested me to see how it is done. I figured out who the killer was early on in the book, but that did not ruin the book for me. It only made me feel a tad bit smug. :-)

As far as murder mysteries go, this is one of the best and most suspenseful I have read. It is definitely a page-turner. I did indeed read the book in one sitting. I could not put it down. Add to the mix some romance, and you have the perfect novel.

Eason isn't afraid to add God to the center of her book, and has one of her characters struggling with their faith.

I thoroughly enjoyed this series, and especially this book, and look forward to reading more from her in the future.

About the author:

Lynette Eason is the author of Too Close to Home, Don't Look Back, and three other romantic suspense novels. She is a member of American Fiction Christian Writers and Romance Writers of America. A homeschooling mother of two, she has a master's degree in education from Converse College. She lives in South Carolina.

Available May 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Thanks to Donna at Revell for the review copy.

1 comment:

  1. Great review! I'm getting ready to read this in the next couple of days...can't wait! I love Lynette's work.

