Thursday, September 16, 2010

Faith Like Potatoes

I was at a big Family Bookstore recently, and as at all Family Stores, they had some $5 special purchases at the register. One of those was the Faith Like Potatoes DVD. I bought it, and started watching it late the other night when my abscessed tooth was keeping me awake. I liked it. A great Christian movie.

"The growing genre of Christian cinema adds to its flock Faith Like Potatoes, based on the book of the same name about a real-life South African farmer named Angus Buchan. Buchan accepted Jesus at a moment of crisis and began experiencing miracles, ranging from sudden rain putting out a wildfire to reviving a woman struck by lightning. The movie follows Buchan (played by Frank Rautenbach, star of a South African soap opera) from his failed farm in Zambia to his rise as a lay evangelist, delivering a sermon in a massive South African stadium. He begins as a sullen, short-tempered man, quick to lash out at his wife (the lovely Jeanne Wilhelm) and the native Zulu workers on his struggling farm. But as his life takes on the purpose of spreading the Word, Buchan finds personal peace (though he also faces personal tragedies)." (Amazon)

Some Christian movies can be tacky/cheesy. In my opinion, this one is neither. It is a refreshing tale of true change a man experiences in Christ, and what true faith can do. Watch it. You won't be disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I too just bought and watched this movie. I loved it! Wonderful message!
