Thursday, July 8, 2010

Why I love summer

Some of my cold weather loving friends are wailing and moaning about the heat. It IS hot, but I still love summer, and will take it over winter any day - why? Here are a few reasons.....

1) Warmer toilet seats!
2) No jackets needed
3) Bare feet. Outside.
4) No warming up cars needed
5) No cleaning off cars
6) Beautiful green everywhere - along with gorgeous blue skies - unlike the bleak greyness of winter....
7) more hours of daylight
8) vacations
9) clear roads, 24/7
10) gardens
11) cook-outs
12) outdoor games (the kind you can't play in the snow)
13) no snow!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. clear roads 24/7 -- construction, lane restrictions, speed reductions, backed up traffic
