Saturday, January 30, 2010

Expecting Good Things by Jeff & Sheri Easter

I got a late Christmas gift in the mail this week, Expecting Good Things by Jeff & Sheri Easter, one of my favorite groups. If I counted right, I have 20 of their CDs, and there aren't many groups I have that many CDs of.

This CD is unique in two ways: it is the first CD that they have made since their fifteen-year-old daughter, Morgan, joined them, making it a trio instead of a long-time duet. It is also the first CD they made since Sheri's battle with breast cancer, and some of the songs reflect that battle.

I think it is a great CD. It has a total of 13 songs, three more than the norm - and I love it when a group does that.

The Sun Will Shine Again starts of the album, and what a neat beginning - has a weather forecaster talking about more rain coming, then it sounds like someone changes the station and Jeff & Sheri launch into this song - great song about no matter how dark it is, better days will come.

The second song on the CD is the best cut on the CD, one that I keep listening to over and over - Born To Climb- in fact I posted the lyrics on a blog post earlier - here. The words are awesome, great tune - just an all-around awesome song.

I was a bit surprised when I looked at the writer of the third song, Time To Fly - Nicholas Jonas - yeah, THAT Nicholas Jonas. I listened to the song by the Jonas Brothers, and the version on this CD is much, much tamer. It features Morgan, and she does a great job on it, Although not necessarily a Christian song, it is one of those kind that almost sounds like one - a cool song anyway.

Love Remains is another song with some great words - If your heart falls to pieces, and everything's stripped away. When your solid ground is shaken, love remains. And if f you run out of reasons, and all your faith starts to fade, there's one thing that will not change - love remains.

Workin' On A Road is an old Lester Flatt song - a fun song. They brought in country singers Marty Stuart & Connie Smith to help them out on it, and it turned out great - a more bluegrass style song.

On every CD Jeff & Sheri has recorded, they record a love song. This one, I Know I Love You, features Sheri and names a lot of things that she doesn't know, and then delivers the line that is the title of the song. Pretty cool love song.

A second "mountain" song on the CD is Over The Mountain, one of the more lively songs on the CD, talks about not being over the mountain yet, but being able to see the other side - a great encouraging song.

High Valley, a trio of brothers whose CDs I have, recorded I Get To on their last CD. Jeff and Sheri actually do a better job on it, in my opinion. Not a strong spiritual song, it talks about how growing up we had to do certain things - go to church, help dad mow the yard - but now that we are adults we don't have to, we get to - a neat song.

Morgan is featured on her second song on the CD, I Need You More Today, a song the Bishops did way back in 1990. She does a great job on it, and the song was worth hearing again- a reminder that we need God more today than we did yeseterday.

I Don't Want to Cry is a kind of bluesy tune, and a song telling God that we don't want to be alone, but just want to hold His hand - another great song.

I keep thinking I have heard the 12th song on the CD before, but I have no idea why - In The Name of Jesus. A nice, upbeat song about what has been done - and can be done - in the name of Jesus.

The last song on the CD isn't my favorite, a bit too slow and morose, but it does have a good thought and message - Hear My Heart. It asks God to hear my heart when there are no words to pray, when life hurts so bad all we can do is sit in silence.

This is one of the best CDs Jeff & Sheri have put out in a long time. The addition of Morgan was a great thing to do and gives them an even greater sound. If you enjoy a country/bluegrass sound, and have never listened to them, give them a try.

The whole CD can be previewed on their website - the preview starts automatically when you go on their site:

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