Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Terror By Night, A True Story of Tragedy And Forgiveness

(Greenville, TX) – A father denied his daughter dating privileges with a certain young man. Typical teenage behavior might have included pouting, a bad attitude or perhaps even a yelling match. Never in a million years would Terry Caffey have suspected it would involve murder. Yet, in the early morning hours of March 8, 2008, Terry’s whole world turned upside down. His wife and two sons where brutally murdered and burned in the house they lived and Terry was shot twelve times…by his daughter and her friends.

Terry Caffey and James Pence reconstruct this tragic yet strangely beautiful true story of God’s sovereignty, forgiveness and grace in Terror by Night. As if the story of Caffey’s family wasn’t enough, readers will be captivated by the way God ordained the meeting between the Blind Sight author and Caffey with a burnt page from Blind Sight found at the crime scene.
This was a sad, but fascinating story to read. I cannot imagine losing everything you own, plus your wife and two sons, and then find out that your daughter was in on the murders.

Terrry Caffey, the father who survived the murders, tells his story in this book, Terror By Night, along with James Pence, author of a fiction novel that God used to help Caffey heal, which I already have reviewed - I re-posted it to appear right below this review.

After having his house burnt to the ground, and most of his family murdered, Terry Caffey returned to the ruins of his home weeks later. Miraculously, he found the page of a book, Blind Sight, a Christian fiction novel. The page, badly scorched, had a scene where the fictional character was questioning God as to why his entire family had been killed, and he had survived, then he went on to accept the fact that God was sovereign and had a purpose. Terry Caffey was convinced that it was a message from God that the very page containing those words was the only page left from the fire.
Not only did it help him on his path to healing, but it also resulted in that author co-authoring this book, Terror by Night.

Terror By Night is not only the story of a great tragedy, and cruel murder, it is also a wonderful story of forgiveness, and shows that no matter what happens, God is always there.

Terror By Night, and the fiction novel Blind Sight, are both available from Tyndale Publishing.

Thanks to Kathy Carlton Willis Communications for the review copy.

For more on the story, here are a few links to the original news story:



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