Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Desert Fire by Shannon Van Roekel

On assignment in Darfur, Sudan, journalist Julia Keegan seeks to document the unimaginable atrocities, open the eyes of average Americans . . . and distance herself from the shadow cast by her convicted murderer father. She has steeled herself against the horrors of genocide---but is she prepared to face the dangers of forgiveness and love?

My thoughts:

This was a fascinating book, and a real eye-opener. The main character, Julia Keegan, goes to Darfur, Sudan to write about the atrocities being committed there against women and children. Though the story is fictional, the author gives a very realistic portrayal of what went on in real life there.

Added to the story is a young lawyer seeking Julia out to pass on a letter from her criminal father. There is some of the romantic element in the story, but overall, the reader is not just entertained, but is left with a horrifying realization of what happened in Darfur, and a thankfulness for what we have here in America.

I recommend the book, but it isn't for someone wanting a light, romantic read. You can read the first chapter here at the author's website: Shannon Van Roekel.

The book is available from Kregal Publishing. Thank-you Leslie for the review copy.

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